"Come on, now, no negativity — we are Abkhazians, aren’t we?!..." Sergey Dbar (Сергей Дбар "Ҳаит абаақәа, ҳаҧсуаами...")

Author-compiler: Dzhikirba G. Sh.
Publisher: Arash
Place of Publication: Sukhum
Year: 2011
Number of pages: 247
Language: Abkhazian / Russian

Сергей Дбар "Ҳаит абаақәа, ҳаҧсуаами..."
Автор-аиқәыршәаҩ: Џьыкырба Г. Ш.
Атыжьра: Арашь
Атыжьырта атып: Аҟәа
Ашыкус: 2011
Адакьакуа рхыпхьадзара: 247

The full book in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (4.21 MB)

The book ‘Come on, now, let’s be having no negativity — we are Abkhazians, aren’t we?!...’, which we offer to the reader, is the second book of the author-compiler Gugutsa Shaliko-Ipha [Daughter of Shaliko] Dzhikirba. The book is about General Sergey Platon-Ipa [Son of Platon] Dbar, fighter and Hero of Abkhazia, who stoutly made his voice heard when danger threatened Abkhazia and who stood beneath our armed forces as a skewer-like pillar.

Аҧхьаҩ идаагало ашәҟәы «ҳаит абаақәа, ҳаҧсыуаами!..» автор-аиқәыршәаҩ Гугуца Шаликәа-иҧҳа Џьыкырба аҩбатәи лышәҟәоуп. Ашәҟәы изкуп Аҧсны ашәарҭара ианҭагыла зыбжьы аҕьеиҳәа изыргаз, ҳабџьар мчқәа иҵәтәы шьаҟаны арыҵагылаз аибашьҩы аинрал, Аҧсны Афырхаҵа Сергеи Платон-иҧа Дбар.

Sultan Sosnaliyev, Valery Gunba, Sergey Dbar




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