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Photo Credit: Thomas Thaitsuk / Sukhum

The Status of Women in Abkhazia: Respect and Reverence Are Not Enough, by Natella Akaba

10 March, 2025

As we know, International Women’s Day is celebrated in most countries around the world. On this festive spring day, women are treated with great warmth and respect. By Natella Akaba, Political...

9 Mart 2025 tarihli Birgün’deki Okay Deprem imzalı Abhazya yazısı okuyucunun dikkatini çekti.

Abhazya Gerçekleri: Okay Deprem’in Yanılgılarına Yanıt

09 March, 2025

Birgün Gazetesi’nde 9 Mart 2025 Pazar günü yayınlanan, Okay Deprem imzalı “Abhazya tarihi bir kavşakta: Vaatler ile gerçek eylemler arasında” başlıklı makale, ne yazık ki Abhazya ve ülkenin siyasi dinamiklerine...

Badra Gunba: Abkhazia’s Newly Elected President.

Seven Key Challenges for Badra Gunba: Can the New President Avoid the Fate of His Predecessors?

09 March, 2025

The presidential elections in Abkhazia have concluded, with Badra Gunba emerging as the victor. However, his path to power was not solely shaped by electoral competition but also by the...

Giorgi Soselia's Critique of Pavle Ingorokva's 'Giorgi Merchule' and the Misrepresentation of Abkhazian History

Giorgi Soselia's Critique of Pavle Ingorokva's 'Giorgi Merchule' and the Misrepresentation of Abkhazian History

02 March, 2025

One of the most contentious claims made by literary historian Pavle Ingoroqva (1893–1990) in his 1954 book Giorgi Merchule, judging by the immediate reaction it provoked and the debates it...

The second round of the presidential election in Abkhazia took place on 1 March.

No Celebrations to Be Expected, by Izida Chania

03 March, 2025

On 1 March, Abkhazia held early presidential elections, which were marked by unprecedented violations of electoral law and interference from Russia in the voting process. The Central Election Commission (CEC)...

Gumbzhania: A New Face, Same Politics?

Badra Gunba: A New Leader or Bzhania 2.0?

02 March, 2025

Opinion – Editorial The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Abkhazia has announced that Badra Gunba has won the presidential runoff election, securing 54.73% of the vote. His opponent, Adgur Ardzinba, received...



The Ibero-Caucasian hypothesis and the historiography of Abkhazia, by Kevin Tuite

04 June, 2022

The Rise and Fall and Revival of the Ibero-Caucasian HypothesisHistoriographia Linguistica Vol. 35:1/2 (2008), pp. 23–82 Kevin Tuite Professor of Anthropology at the Université de Montréal 8. The Ibero-Caucasian hypothesis and the historiography of Abkhazia (pp.53-65)8.1 P’avle Ingoroq’va, Giorgi Merčule, and the...


Andrei Sakharov on the relationship between Abkhazia and Georgia

24 February, 2022

In 1989 at the start of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict the late Academician Andrei Sakharov in one of his last articles called Georgia a ‘mini-empire’ (Ogonёk 1989, 31). Later, describing the relationship between Abkhazia and Georgia, he wrote: "I tend to justify...


Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus

Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus, by Philip Kohl and Gocha Tsetskhladze

26 April, 2020

Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology, edited by Philip L. Kohl and Clare Fawcett Cambridge University Press 1995 Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus (Part III Eastern Europe and Eurasia) pp. 149-174 By Philip L. Kohl and Gocha R...


Old Parliament Building, Sukhum

Abkhazia: a problem of identity and ownership, by George B. Hewitt - Central Asian Survey

21 October, 2008

Abkhazia: a problem of identity and ownership  History and Documents Central Asian Survey, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 267–323, 1993 by George B. Hewitt The Abkhazians living in Turkey have preserved very well the customs, language and dances  carried  there  from  Abkhazia  by  their ...


Lapinski: Abkhaz people are the last in the Caucasus who still put up resistance to the Muscovites

23 May, 2020

In June 1861, on the initiative of the Ubykhs, a 'mejlis' (parliament) was constituted not far from Sochi; it was known as 'The Great and Free Assembly'. The Ubykhs, the Circassian Shapsughs and Abadzekhs/Abzakhs, and the Abkhazian tribes of Ahchypsy...

Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus.

How nations united: Formation of the Confederation of Caucasian Peoples

28 February, 2020

Everyone who is somehow familiar with the history of the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia could not help but hear about the Assembly of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus, which was soon renamed the Confederation. This is no...

Abkhazia Resettlement Construction 1941

Resettlement to Abkhazia

14 February, 2020

After most of Abkhazia’s indigenous Abkhazians were expelled to Ottoman lands firstly at the end of the Russian-Caucasian War (1864) and then following the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78), their vacated lands immediately started to attract colonisation from such diverse incomers as:...

Abkhazians who took part in the 1866 Lykhny uprising. Photo by D. I. Yermakov (1867)

Thirty years of "guilt" (1877-1907), by Stanislav Lakoba

14 March, 2013

Reflections on Abkhazia: [14 August] 1992-2012 Immediately after the Caucasian War (21 May 1864), in June 1864 the independent princedom of Abkhazia was abolished, and the sovereign prince Mikhail Shervashidze (Chachba) was subjected to political repression; in 1866, he died in...

Editors' Picks

Myrzakan (Samurzakan) Abkhazians (1880-90).

On the Political and Ethnic History of Myrzakan (Samurzakano) in the 19th Century, By Denis Gopia

19 January, 2024

Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia Abkhaz Institute of Humanitarian Research Named after D.I. Gulia, AbIGI 2022 Аҧсуаҭҵаара / Abkhaz Studies. No.12. Sukhum. 2022. pp. 99-111  The article is also available in PDF format in both Russian (original) and English.

Rewriting History? A Critique of Modern Georgian Historiography on Abkhazia

12 October, 2023

In the book "Ответ историкам из Тбилиси (документы и факты)" (English: "A Response to Historians from Tbilisi: Documents and Facts"), Abkhazian historian Stanislav Lakoba addresses critical issues surrounding Georgian-Abkhazian relations. Drawing from extensive research and documentation, Lakoba delves deep into...

Russian President Boris Yeltsin welcomes Georgian Governing Council leader Eduard Shevardnadze in Dagomys, Sochi. (June 24, 1992).

The Hand of Moscow and the Sterility of Geneva, by Izida Chania

03 October, 2023

On September 30th, Abkhazia marked its Victory Day in the Georgian-Abkhazian war. In 1993, Abkhazia's Armed Forces successfully repelled Georgian troops, asserting control over the country's territory up to the Abkhazian-Georgian border along the Ingur River. Reactions to this day...

The Exodus of Abkhazians During the 19th Century: Resistance, Uprisings, and Exile

18 April, 2023

Throughout the 19th century, the Russian-Caucasian War brought about significant changes in the geopolitical landscape of the region. The conflict between the Russian Empire and the native peoples of the Caucasus led to significant population displacements, including those of the...

General Giorgi Mazniev (Mazniashvili) with his son Ivan.

Georgian policy towards Abkhazia in the period 1918-1921, by Vadim Mukhanov

19 August, 2022

This article has been written in Russian and is translated into English. Vadim M. MukhanovHead of Caucasus Department of The Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO). Russia. In 1917, i.e. in the first revolutionary...

A Georgian armored vehicle drives down a road. July, 1993. Sukhum, Abkhazia

Abkhazia is Abkhazia, by Stanislav Lakoba

15 October, 2008

Stanislav Lakoba Minister of Security in Abkhazia, former speaker of Abkhazian ParliamentA Report At A London Conference On North Caucasus and Abkhazia 23th April, 1993Central Asian Survey, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 97–105, 1995 I had a different beginning for my report...



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