Altin Post [Golden Fleece] - Online News from Abkhazia in Turkish

Times are changing. Internet has become the key resource for getting first hand information. Especially for countries like Abkhazia, living beyond international recognition and an information embargo, online resources become more crucial.
AbkhazWorld is one the very first of key internet sites that provide information and news on Abkhazia in English. Today, there is a new website in Turkish, broadcasting directly from Sukhum, Abkhazia under the editorial of two young volunteer return migrants.
Making use of online technologies including a website, Facebook page and Twitter account, the Altin Post group target to increase knowledge about Abkhazia in Turkey, strengthen the existing historical and cultural ties between these two countries and help official recognition of Abkhazia in Turkey in the long run. Altin Post is not only a news website but aims to become a key resource of information about culture, art, sports, education, tourism and mythology in relation to the Republic of Abkhazia.
Jade Cemre Erciyes