List of articles in category Book reviews
Shalva Inal-ipa's Masterpiece on Abkhaz Names Translated and Released in Türkiye
Book Review by Gerard Toal | Mobilizing in Uncertainty: Collective Identities and War in Abkhazia
Review of George B. Hewitt & Reply from Timothy K. Blauvelt | Clientelism and Nationality in an Early Soviet Fiefdom: The Trials of Nestor Lakoba
The Italian maritime republics and slave trade from the Caucasus Areas Abkhazia
Excerpt from Timothy K. Blauvelt’s “Clientelism and Nationality in an Early Soviet Fiefdom: The Trials of Nestor Lakoba
Mobilizing in Uncertainty: Collective Identities and War in Abkhazia
Review of George Hewitt, 'Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflicts' by Laurence Broers
Review of Tamila Mgaloblishvili (ed.) Ancient Christianity in the Caucasus
Book Review by George B. Hewitt | The value of the past: myths, identity and politics in Transcaucasia, by Victor A. Shnirelman
Book review: Edge of empires. A history of Georgia
Review: The making of modern Georgia, 1918–2012: the first Georgian republic and its successors
Aleksandr Orlov-Kretchmer ‘Abkhazia of the 19th Century and Early 20th Century in Works of Art and Photographs'
Review of George Hewitt, 'Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflicts' by Rene Wadlow
Book review: Black Sea by Neal Ascherson
The Tangerine Flavour of Freedom. Review of Wojciech Górecki 'Abkhazia' by Łukasz Wojtusik
Review of Donald Rayfield, 'Edge of Empires. A History of Georgia' & Corrigenda to Stephen Jones’ 'Georgia. A Political History Since Independence'
Review of Mariam Lordkipanidze "The Abkhazians and Abkhazia" Tbilisi, 1990, by Yuri Voronov
Jaundiced view of a war that stayed‏, by Richard Clogg
Review of Tom Trier, Hedgiv Lohm, David Szakonyi, 'Under Siege: Inter-Ethnic Relations in Abkhazia'
Book review: "Improbable Abkhazie" by Leon Colm
Book Review: Tejmuraz Achugba 'The Ethnic History of the Abkhazians in the XIX-XX centuries', by George Hewitt
Book Review: Valiko M. Pachulia ‘Gruzino-abxazskaja vojna 1992-1993 gg. [The Georgian-Abkhazian War of 1992-1993]. by George Hewitt
Book Review: "Asmus, Ronald D. A Little War that Shook the World: Georgia, Russia, and the Future of the West" by George Hewitt
Missiles Over Tskhinvali, by Thomas de Waal
Review: SVANTE E. CORNELL, Small Nations and Great Powers. A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus, by George Hewitt
George Hewitt’s Review of: Coppieters, Bruno (ed.). Contested borders in the Caucasus



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