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List of articles in category Conflict
The Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict | The value of the past, by Victor A. Shnirelman
The Blockade of Abkhazia and the Resilience of Its Women
What and Why Do Georgians Think about Abkhazians, by Katie Kantaria
Jaba Ioseliani: 'War is War'
The Georgian Press on the Position of the Georgian Population of Abkhazia During the Georgian-Abkhazian War (1992–1993), by Daur Achugba
Paata Zakareishvili's Parallel Realities: Georgia's 'Non-Use of Force' Facade
22 October 1992: Burning of the National Archives and Library of Abkhazia by the Georgian invaders
Tales of War: Georgian Narratives and Their Justifications 30 Years On, by Alexey Lomiya
Another Day, Another EU Concern: The Unending Tale of Failed Conflict Resolutions
The Hand of Moscow and the Sterility of Geneva, by Izida Chania
Operation "Storm": The Liberation of Gagra District by Abkhazian Troops
30 Years Ago: A Meeting on the Kodor Bridge and Two Liters of Ingur Water, by Vitaly Sharia
Teenagers in the Patriotic War of the Abkhazian People, by Indira Bartsits
Battles and Scalpels: Surgeon Valeriy Avidzba's Journey Through War
Bravery in Trenches: Khuta Kurt-Ogly's Valiant Contribution to Abkhazia's Patriotic War
"Georgia for the Georgians": The Evolution of a Nationalistic Slogan
"About two thousand are listed as missing from the war"
The Triumph of Abkhazian Diplomacy: Marking 30 Years since the Tripartite Agreement in Sochi
The Tamysh Landing Was Entirely Voluntary
"Shevardnadze Would Call Me at Home"
JAM NEWS: Interview with Paata Zakareishvili on Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict & Negotiations (Video)
The Brotherhood of Warriors: Abkhazia's Volunteer Heroes and the Chechen "Wolf Pack"
Ruslan Khashig: "The Statements of Koba Kobaladze are Absolute Lies"
Buried alive: What Happened in the Village of Ered, South Ossetia on 18 March 1991
Visiting Hell: How Relatives Identified the Dead in the March Offensive
Lost Battles: January and March 1993, by Anastasia Shesterinina 
On the Other Side of Gumista: The Harsh Lessons of the March Offensive
Andrej Sakharov’s ‘Mini-empires’ and the Inevitable, by George Hewitt
First, an agreement on the non-use of force, then joint activities
30th Anniversary of the January 1993 Offensive for the Liberation of Sukhum
"Silicon Man": in memory of Mushni Khvartskia
Georgian Brutality and Local Support | 'Mobilizing in Uncertainty', by Anastasia Shesterinina
The worst of days: 30 years on from the Lata tragedy, by Alexej Lomia
The murder of Alexei Kogoniya by Georgian Nationalists on 16 July 1989
Tengiz Kitovani: "they [Russians] officially gave us the 108 tanks of the Akhaltsikhe Division"
Russian Officer Views Abkhaz Conflict (27 April 1993) | FBIS Report
Thirty Years of Peace-negotiations, by Charlotte Hille
Estonian Orientalist Linnart Mäll and his role in activities of the UNPO during the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict, by Aivar Jürgenson
Volunteer-movement and the Circassian factor during the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia in 1992-1993 – historical and political significance, by Aslanbek Mirzoev
On the eve of the Victory: the meeting of the Western and Eastern fronts on the Kodor bridge
How there was an attempt to stop the Georgian-Abkhazian war in Moscow’s 'President Hotel'?
14 August 1997, Vladislav Ardzinba - in Tbilisi. How did this come about?
“This day was very sad - 14 August 1992, when the war began.”
It's necessary to find a way out! (Letter of 37 | 1997)
"The Key to the Future" | Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
Peace is for Abkhazia, war is for Ukraine?
Georgia-Abkhazia Conflict: View from Abkhazia, by Liana Kvarchelia
A "Scorpion" for the desperate: veteran Otar Gogua on the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia
The TV Debate Program on Georgian - Abkhaz Conflict | Moscow, October 17, 1992
War and Secession: A Moral Analysis of the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict, by Bruno Coppieters



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