List of articles in category E-Library
Dictionary of Geographical Names of Abkhazia and Other States, by Viacheslav Chirikba
The History of Christianity in Abkhazia during the First Millennium, by Archimandrite Dorofey (Dbar)
Toponymy of the Sukhum-Akua Region According to Medieval Narrative and Cartographic Sources, by Denis Gopia
Gürcülerin Efsanesi, by Fuat Köprülü (1946)
Gürcü Akademisyenlerin “Türkiye’ye Karşı Meşru Taleplerimiz Üzerine" Başlıklı Mektubu ve Sonrasında Yaşanan Gelişmeler
Recherches anthropologiques dans le Caucase (Vol. I, II, III, IV), by Ernest Chantre
Abkhazian Cult of Thunder and Lightning and its North Caucasian Parallels, by Viacheslav Chirikba
Archival Documents on the History of Abkhazia: 1863–1881 in 3 volumes
The Discovery of Circassia, by Samir Khotko
On some issues of ethnic identity and placement of the Abkhazians (Regarding the work of P. Ingorokva 'Giorgi Merchule'), by Ketevan Lomtatidze
Lazuri: An Endangered Language from the Black Sea
Aspects of the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict - Volume 1-15
Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts, by George Hewitt
La cote d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase - 1903), by Edouard-Alfred Martel
Minorities and Diasporas in Turkey: Public Images and Issues in Education
Abkhazia and Italian city-states of the XIII-XV centuries, by Viacheslav Chirikba
The Mystery of Caterina. Who Was the Mother of Leonardo da Vinci? by Viacheslav Chirikba
Las argumentaciones Internacionales-jurídicas del reconocimiento de la independencia de la República de Abjasia
Notes on Abkhazia and Georgia (1918–1921), by Alexander Demyanov
The Right to Self-determination Under International Law, by Milena Sterio
Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus, by Arthur Tsutsiev
Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, by Nicu Popescu
The Vainakhs: the Chechen and Ingush, by George Anchabadze
Origines des Circassiens (Origins of the Circassians), by Aytek Namitok
From century to century: Historical and cultural essays, by Stanislav Lakoba
The Universal Geography: The Earth and Its Inhabitants - Vol. VI Chapter II [The Caucasus], by Élisée Reclus
Sultan Sosnaliev: First Commander of the Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus, by Musa Shanibov
Stalin and His Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who Killed for Him, by Donald Rayfield
Bolshevik order in Georgia: The Great Terror in a Small Caucasian Republic, by Marc Junge & Bernd Bonwetsch (Vol 1)
Russian imperialism and the independence of the highlanders | Speech by M.F. Shanba on May 11, 1927
Millet Bayrağı | Знамя Народа
Soviet Muslim Emigres in the Republic of Turkey, by Lowell Bezanis
Textes Besney, by Catherine Paris (1968)
Başka Bir Vatanımız Yok! Abhazyanın Bağımsızlık Savaşı: 1992–1993, by Selçuk Sımsım
The Tragedy of South Ossetia: Lawlessness of Genocide, by Vasily Abaev
The Tsar's Abolitionists: The Slave Trade in the Caucasus and Its Suppression, by Liubov Kurtynova-D'Herlugnan
Caucasian Battlefields: A History of the Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border 1828-1921, by W.E.D Allen & Paul Muratoff
How to live to be 100 - The life-style of the people of the Caucasus, by Sula Benet
The Ossetes: Modern-Day Scythians of the Caucasus, by Richard Foltz
Aiaaira: 1992–1993 | Photo Album
Greeks in Abkhazia, by Nikolai Ioanidi 
Le Parler Besney (tcherkesse oriental) de Zennun Köyü (Çorum, Turquie), by Orhan Alparslan, Georges Dumézil
Modern Hatreds: The Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War, by Stuart J. Kaufman
Şimali Kafkasya | Северный Кавказ (North Caucasus) Journal
Горцы Кавказа | Kafkasya Dağlıları (Mountaineers of the Caucasus) Journal
Collection of articles and memoirs about the Patriotic War of the People of Abkhazia in 1992–1993
Kronolojik Abhazya Tarihi (Chronological History of Abkhazia), by Timur Achugba
The value of the past: myths, identity and politics in Transcaucasia, by Victor A. Shnirelman
List of documents on the history of Abkhazia of the XIX - early XX centuries by funds The Russian State Historical Archive
Detailed report on General Baron Peter von Uslar's Abkhazian studies, by Anton Schiefner



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