Aquafon presents the film "Hara Harwaa Reihaby" [The Leader of Our Soldiers] in the towns of Abkhazia

  • Art & Living

SUKHUM -- In anticipation of the nineteenth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia, the AQUAFON company is organising in the towns of the Republic a showing of the film dedicated to the memory of the First President of the Republic of Abkhazia, Vladislav G. Ardzinba "Hara Harwaa Reihaby”.

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Abkhazian "Star Factory" at the Starting Line

  • Art & Living
Apsny Star

On 21 March, AGTRK invited journalists to a meeting with representatives of the Abkhazian KVN team "Narts from Abkhazia." Damei Chanba, Roland Bganba, Alkhas Kadzhaja and Teimuraz Kvekveskiri presented its new project «Apsny [Abkhazia] Star». Promotional video of the project has already been aired for a week, and viewers have been fairly intrigued — the time has come to "lift the veil and reveal all the cards."

Read more …Abkhazian "Star Factory" at the Starting Line

Abkhaz State Philharmonia To Have New Artistic Council

  • Art & Living
Abkhaz State Philharmonic Hall, Sukhum

SUKHUM -- Minister of Culture Badr Gunba considers it essential to establish a new Artistic Council within the State Philharmonia. It should include experts who will assess the level of artistic mastery of Abkhaz vocalists and musicians. Today the Abkhaz State Philharmonia is the only state cultural agency in the republic responsible for organizing concerts, Gunba told Apsnypress in an interview.

Read more …Abkhaz State Philharmonia To Have New Artistic Council



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