The company Aquafon has become the title-partner for the VIII World Domino Championship

SUKHUM -- The contract to provide sponsorship for the organising of the VIII World Domino Championships in Abkhazia was today signed by the Joint-Stock Company "Aquafon-GSM" and the Domino Federation of the Republic of Abkhazia. Thus The company Aquafon has thereby become the title-partner of the VIII World Domino Championship, which will be held in Sukhum on 17--21 October 2011.
The value of the sponsorship-contract is one million roubles. In addition, Aquafon has pledged to provide at the time of the Championship free of charge Wi-Fi Internet access in the press-centre of the Championship; for the foreign participants of the Championship a special rate with unlimited calls will be worked out within the Aquafon network and low-cost international calls. The company will also provide a service "Informational Sign-up", enabling each Aquafon subscriber to familiarise themselves with the Championship’s current tournament-standings.
As Aquafon’s Director General, Alkhas Argun, noted at the signing ceremony, the World Domino Championship, which for the first time is being held in our country, is of paramount importance for Abkhazia. "Thanks to the numerous participants from different countries, more people will learn all about Abkhazia," - he said.
President of the Domino Federation, Artur Gabunia, considers Aquafon’s support as support for the whole of Abkhazian sport at international level. According to him, the company "Aquafon" was the first of Abkhazia’s business-community to respond to the proposal to support the organising of the hosting of the World Cup.
"Only by joint-efforts of state and business structures will it be possible to demonstrate to the world that the Republic of Abkhazia is capable of organising such high-status activities at the highest level. For the first time in the history, Abkhazia has received the right to host such a high-level Championship. We see this as the latest test which, we are sure, will show the competitiveness of our country," stressed Gabunia.
Member of the Organising Committee for the World Domino Championship in Abkhazia, Beslan Tsvinaria, expressed the hope that the example of Aquafon will be followed by other representatives of the business-community, because this event has long moved beyond the Domino Federation and become a world-class event.
As has become known, Aquafon has also established a special prize for the best player in team Abkhazia, namely a Tablet iPad computer.