The Abkhazians: A Handbook, by George Hewitt (ed.)

The Abkhazians' famed longetivity and horsemanship are combined in this elder, dressed in traditional costume.
The Abkhazians: A Handbook
Editor: George Hewitt
Year: 1999
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Place of Publication: London & New York
Number of pages: 288
Language: English
This handbook provides a ready introduction and practical guide to the Abkhazian people and language. It includes chapters written by experts in the field, covering all aspects of the people, including their history, religion, politics, economy, culture, literature and media, plus pictures, chronologies and appendices of up-to-date statistics, maps and bibliographies. This volume forms part of the Peoples of the Caucasus series which is an indispensable - and accessible - resource to all those with an interest in the Caucasus: journalists, aid workers, regional specialists in government, law, banking, accounting, as well as tourists, business people, students and academics.
Introduction George Hewitt
1. Geography and the environment Roman Dbar
2. Origin of the Abkhazian people Vjacheslav Chirikba
3. Оn the track of Abkhazia's antiquity Giorgij Shamba
4. History: flrst-18th centuries Oleg Bgazhba
5. History: 18th century-1917 Stanislav Lakoba
6. History: 1917-1989 Stanislav Lakoba
7. Soviet Abkhazia 1989: a personal account Viktor Popkov
8. History: the modern period Jurii Anchabadze
9. Military aspects of the war: the battle for Gagra Dodge Billingsley
10. The economy: traditional & modern Daur Bargandzhla
11. Language George Hewitt
12. Literature & linguistic politics Vasilij Avidzba
14. Religion Rachel Clogg
15. Demography Daniel Miiller
16. Ethnic culture Jurij Anchabadze
Further Reading
- References & general bibliography
- Appendix 1: Constitution of the Abkhazian Peoples Soviet
- Appendix 2: Draft Treaty
- Appendix 3: Moscow Agreement
- Appendix 4: Quadripartite Agreement on Refugees
- Appendix 5: Abkhaz proverbs
The full book in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (48 MB)