Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts, by George Hewitt

Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts
Author: B. George Hewitt
Year: 2013
Place of Publication: Lieden - Boston
Published by: Brill
Number of pages: 389
Language: English
The 2008 Georgian-Russian war focused the world’s attention on the Caucasus. South Ossetia and Abkhazia had been de facto independent since the early 1990s. However, Russia’s granting of recognition on 26 August 2008 changed regional dynamics.
The Caucasus is one of the most ethnically diverse areas on earth, and the conflicts examined here present their own complexities. This book sets the issues in their historical and political contexts and discusses potential future problems.
This volume is distinguished from others devoted to the same themes by the extensive use the author (a Georgian specialist) makes of Georgian sources, inaccessible to most commentators. His translated citations thus cast a unique and revealing light on the interethnic relations that have fuelled these conflicts.
B. George Hewitt, Ph.D. (1982) in Linguistics, University of Cambridge, FBA, is Professor of Caucasian Languages at SOAS (London University). He has published widely on Georgian and other Caucasian languages (notably Abkhaz) and has written extensively on the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict.
Preliminary Material
Pages: i–xxvii
I. Introduction
Pages: 1–13
II. History
Pages: 15–50
III. Perestrojka, Glasnost′ and the Road to War in Georgia
Pages: 51–115
IV. Relations with Post-Communist Georgia under Eduard Shevardnadze
Pages: 117–200
V. Relations with Georgia under Mikheil Saak’ashvili
Pages: 201–292
VI. Foreign Involvement
Pages: 293–338
VII. Conclusions and Lessons Learnt—or Not!
Pages: 339–360
Pages: 361–378
Pages: 379–389
The full book in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (3.7 MB)
See also:
+ Review of George Hewitt, 'Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflicts' by Laurence Broers
+ Review of George Hewitt, 'Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South-Ossetian Conflicts' by Rene Wadlow