Caucasia, by Great Britain Foreign Office

Editor: G.W. Prothero
Year: 1920
Publisher: H.M Stationery Office | Great Britain. Foreign Office.
Place of Publication: London, UK
Number of pages: 95
Language: English
From Editorial Note
In the spring of 1917 the Foreign Office, in connexion with the preparation with they were making for the work of the Peace Conference, established a special section whose duty it should be to provide the British Delegates to the Peace Conference with information in the most convenient form—geographical, economic, historical, social, religious, and political—respecting the different countries, districts, islands, &c., with which they might have to deal. In addition, volumes were prepared on certain general subjects, mostly of an historical nature, concerning which it appeared that a special study would be useful.
The historical information was compiled by trained writers on historical subjects, who (in most cases) gave their services without any remuneration. For the geographical sections valuable assistance was given by the Intelligence Division (Naval Staff) of the Admiralty; and for the economic sections, by the War Trade Intelligence Department, which had been established by the Foreign Office. Of the maps accompanying the series, some were prepared by the above-mentioned department of the Admiralty, but the bulk of them were the work of the Geographical Section of the General Staff (Military Intelligence Division) of the War Office.
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See also:
+ Caucasia and the Caucasus, by A. Gugushvili (1943)
+ Black Sea, by Neal Ascherson