La cote d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase - 1903), by Edouard-Alfred Martel

La cote d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase) Voyage en Russie meridionale, au Caucase occidental et en Transcaucasie (Mission du gouvernement russe, 1903)
Author: Edouard-Alfred Martel
Year: 1908
Place of Publication: Paris
Published by: Librairie Ch. Delagrave
Number of pages: 358
Language: French
388 photogravures, 34 plans and sections, 1 colour map.
Edouard-Alfred Martel, acclaimed as the 'father of modern speleology', undertook an official mission to southern Russia, the western Caucasus, and Transcaucasia in 1903, at the request of the Russian Government. The findings from his voyage were later published in 1908.
The invitation for this mission was extended through the Minister of Agriculture and Russian Domains, A. S. Yermoloff. In appreciation, Martel dedicated his report to the minister, describing it as an "hommage affectueux et reconnaissant".
Born on 1st July 1859 in Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, and passing away on 3rd June 1938 in Montbrison, Martel was a pioneer in cave exploration, study, and documentation. Throughout his career, he explored thousands of caves in his native France and many other countries. He popularized the pursuit of cave exploration, introduced the concept of speleology as a distinct area of scientific study, and maintained an extensive archive. In 1895, he founded the Société de Spéléologie, the world's first organization devoted to the science of caves.
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Lykhny glade - from the book. Chapter XVIII: L'Abkhasie (Abkhazia) pp. 200-217