In Denikin's Russia and the Caucasus, 1919-1920, by Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts

Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts (1894 – 1949) was a British author and journalist.
In Denikin's Russia and the Caucasus, 1919-1920
Being A Record Of A Journey To South Russia, The Crimea, Armenia, Georgia, And Baku In 1919 And 1920.
Author: Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts
Year: 1921
Place of Publication: London
Number of pages: 348
Published by: W. Collins sons & Company
Language: English
Journalist Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts, spoke Russian and travelled widely in Russia and the Caucasus. He was acquainted with Ouspensky as a fellow journalist, when he went to report on conditions there in 1919. Roberts describes a series of engaging meetings he had with “a curious individual named Georgiy Ivanovich Gourjiev” as well as an informed assessment of the volatile social and political situations he encountered throughout the Caucasus.
Author's Foreword
Introduction xiii
1. The British in Batum
II. A Journey Through Georgia=
III. First Impressions of Anti-Bolshevist
Russia 71
IV . Life at Rostov and Taganrog 103
i V . Ekaterinodar: The Retreat of the Volunteer Army 139
VI. The Green Guards 169
VII. Novorossisk: The Last Stand on the Mainland 197
VIII. In the Crimea and Back to the Caucasus 225
IX . The Betrayal of Armenia 255
X . Baku: The Bolshevists Arrive 291
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