From century to century: Historical and cultural essays, by Stanislav Lakoba
Из века в век Историко-культурные очерки (From century to century: Historical and cultural essays)
Author: Stanislav Lakoba
Year: 2022
Place of Publication: Sukhum, Abkhazia
Published by: AbIGI [the Abkhazian Research Institute for History, Language and Literature]
Number of pages:
"From Century to Century" is a collection of historical and cultural essays written by Stanislav Lakoba, a candidate of historical sciences and professor. These works span different years and are intended for anyone interested in the history and culture of Abkhazia from the 19th to the 21st century.
The full publication in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (2.3 MB)
The proposed historical and cultural essays "From century to century" are selected works of different years of the candidate of historical sciences, professor S. Z. Lakoba.
The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the history and culture of Abkhazia in the 19th–21st centuries.
- From author 3
- Viktor Strazhev: poet and archaeologist 5
- Abno: from Falbork to Barach 38
- Iskander's Spiritual Empire 55
- Night and eyes of rain 59
- Хлебников и Азия 68
- Японский рельеф 83
- Сны Кавказа 87
- Асланбей 91
- Александр I: Асланбей или Сефербей? 123
- Столетняя война Грузии против Абхазии 139
- Последний владетель Абхазии в политической ссылке и соглашение 1844 года 158
- Абхазский князь на российском престоле? 175
- Ответ историкам из Тбилиси 179
- Август Мартин и эстонские материалы о событиях в Абхазии (1917–1921 гг.) 263
- Абхазия, ее лидеры и некоторые особенности социального эксперимента (20–30-е гг. XX в.) 278
- Тайна "Зеленой папки" 286
- Об исследовании немецких ученых и некоторых аспектах политической истории Абхазии 20–30-х гг. XX века 300
- В чем провинился учитель? 320
- Восток и запад: между молотом и наковальней 334
- Former Minister of Defense of Georgia: on the war and the situation around Abkhazia (1992-1993) 342
- Abkhazia is Abkhazia 355
- Abkhazia in the conditions of the redistribution of the world 368
- Russian-Turkish interaction in the context of the Kars Treaty of 1921? 392
Bibliography of works by S. Z. Lakoba 397- Monographs, books, brochures 397
- Materials and collections of documents compiled and published with the participation of S. Z. Lakoba 398
- Tutorials 399
- Articles in encyclopedias 399
- Individual speeches, lectures (congresses, conferences, symposiums, round tables) 399
- Publications of a polemical nature (1989–1992) 401
- Articles, essays, notes 402