Archival Documents on the History of Abkhazia: 1863–1881 in 3 volumes

Abkhazians who took part in the 1866 Lykhny uprising.
From the Preface
"This three-volume publication is a part of a collection prepared within the framework of the Council of Europe programme for frozen, protracted and post-conflict regions, which aims at supporting dialogue between professionals from conflict affected areas.
The Council of Europe, as the continent's leading human rights Organisation founded in 1949 to support the reconciliation process in Europe after the Second World War, is acting here at the very core of its mandate.
From the start and as stated in the European Cultural Convention, the Organisation recognised the importance of history as a basis for the education of the citizens of Europe and its role in bridging differences and bringing people together by establishing mutual understanding and confidence between the peoples of Europe.
This publication is a result of a three-year co-operation between archive specialists from the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs and a group of Abkhaz historians, who carried out extensive research on the deportation of the Muslim Abkhaz population to the Ottoman Empire, following the wars between the Russian and Ottoman empires in the second half of 19th century. The archive documents not only refer to this painful chapter of the tragic destiny of thousands of families, but they also describe the context in which this process took place."
Anna Capello
Head of the Division for Confidence Building Measures Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations Council of Europe
Archival Documents on the History of Abkhazia: 1863–1881 | Vol. 1 On the Rule of Abkhazia
Архивные документы по истории Абхазии: 1863–1881 гг. | Том 1: О владетеле Абхазии
Project Director: Anna Capello
Project Coordinator: Zurab Lakerbaya
Project Managers: Badri Cherkessishvili, Astamur Tania
Year: 2023
Number of pages: 654
Language: Russian
The full book (Vol. 1) in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (287 MB)
Archival Documents on the History of Abkhazia: 1863–1881 | Vol. 2 Exile (Mukhadzhirim)
Архивные документы по истории Абхазии: 1863–1881 гг. | Том 2. Махаджирство
Project Director: Anna Capello
Project Coordinator: Zurab Lakerbaya
Project Managers: Badri Cherkessishvili, Astamur Tania
Year: 2023
Number of pages: 636
Language: Russian
The full book (Vol. 2) in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (236 MB)
Archival Documents on the History of Abkhazia: 1863–1881 | Vol. 3 Exile (Mukhadzhirim)
Архивные документы по истории Абхазии: 1863–1881 гг. | Том 3. Махаджирство
Project Director: Anna Capello
Project Coordinator: Zurab Lakerbaya
Project Managers: Badri Cherkessishvili, Astamur Tania
Year: 2023
Number of pages: 326
Language: Russian
The full book (Vol. 3) in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (194 MB)
See also: + The Great Terror in Abkhazia (Abkhaz ASSR, 1937 - 1938) Vol. I - II - III