Abkhazian Delegation at the Carter Center (February 1993)

In February 1993 the Georgian-Abkhazian war was one of the topics for discussion at the Carter Center in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) at which an Abkhazian delegation was invited to participate.
Left to right: the late Yuri Kalmykov (a Circassian who resigned as Minister of Justice in Yeltsin's cabinet rather than sign the governmental decree to send Russian troops into battle in Chechenia), Natella Akaba, Prof. John Colarusso (American specialist on Circassian at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario), President Jimmy Carter, Galina Kalimova, Prof. George Hewitt (SOAS, London), Liana Kvarchelia, the late Yahya Kazan(ba), a Circassian-speaking Abkhazian from New York.
John Colarusso, the late Yuri Kalmykov, the late Lisbeth Palme (widow of Sweden's assassinated premier Olof Palme), Natella Akaba, George Hewitt, Liana Kvarchelia.
John Colarusso and George Hewitt with Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter with the late Yahia Kazan(ba).