How to live to be 100 - The life-style of the people of the Caucasus, by Sula Benet

English playwright and novelist, John B. Priestley and his wife with 150 year-old Abkhazian peasant Ashkhangeri Bzhania (1945).
How to live to be 100 - The life-style of the people of the Caucasus
Author: Sula Benet
Year: 1976
Place of Publication: New York, USA
Number of pages: 201
Published by: The Dial Press
Language: English
Among the seventeen and a half million people who live in tne Soviet republics and regions of the Caucasus are the largest number of long-living people in the world: men and women who live to he 90 commonly, often 100 and more. (Cases have been scientifically recorded of people as old as 160, though this is exceptional!) These are not bedridden "senior citizens.- but healthy. functioning people who work, make love. have roles of consequence in their communities. For the first time, an anthropologist who is the world expert in this field has recorded in lively detail the results of years of research, actually living with the people from Georgia, Ahkhasia, Azerbaijan. Armenia. and Daghestan. Dr. Benet ha, been permitted what no other foreigner ever has: complete and intimate access to the homes, family life, and records of these people as well as to the scientific data accumulated by world-famed gerontologists. She is the first to record the bio-graphical methods by which the authentic ages arc scientifically documented.
The full book in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (34 MB)
See also:
+ Why They Live to Be 100, Or Even Older, in Abkhasia, by Sula Benet (1971)
+ Abkhazia: Ancients of the Caucasus (Healthy at 100), by John Robbins