Scripts Used for Abkhaz, by George Hewitt

From the Table of the post-Stalin Cyrillic-based script for Abkhaz alongside its Georgian-based predecessor (1954).
A while ago I posted on Facebook the scan of a page from A. M. Ch’och’ua & V. Maan’s 1935 primer Apswa Byzshwa ‘Abkhaz Language’ as an illustration of the script in used at that time. One viewer commented that he found it easier to read than the current, Cyrillic-based orthography. This gave me the idea of presenting a short text written in the different scripts that have been employed over the decades since an orthography was first devised for the language in the second half of the 19th century.
The full article in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (19 MB)
George Hewitt
Emeritus Professor of Caucasian languages at the School of Oriental and African Studies, a fellow of the British Academy.