It's proposed to call 2015 - 'The year of Vladislav Ardzinba'

Vladislav Ardzinba was the first President of the Republic of Abkhazia
SUKHUM -- The Vice-President of the Republic of Abkhazia Vitaliy Gabniya held a meeting devoted to perpetuate the memory of the First President of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba. According to him, has set up a special committee to coordinate activities to mark the 70th anniversary of Ardzinba.
The meeting discussed the work plan appropriate activities scheduled to be held in the Republic of Abkhazia and Russia. Thus, it was proposed to call 2015 – the year of Vladislav Ardzinba. One of the main events dedicated to the anniversary of the First President, will be the international conference named Vladislav Ardzinba, to be held in Sukhum. On its grounds will be a round table and sections for a variety of scientific and political problems. In addition, it is planned to hold exhibitions, lectures, three-volume edition of scientific works of the First President and others.
It was decided that the committee meeting, led by the Vice President Vitaliy Gabniya in the future should be held regularly.