Events of the Russian Civil War in Abkhazia 1918–1921 in the Manuscript Sources of the Estonians from Abkhazia, by Aivar Jürgenson

Congress of Estonian settlements of the Black Sea Coast and Transcaucasia. Abkhazia (1918).
Jürgenson, A. (2022). Events of the Russian Civil War in Abkhazia 1918–1921 in the Manuscript Sources of the Estonians from Abkhazia. Caucasus Survey, 10(3), 271-293 [Brill].
Aivar Jürgenson
Senior researcher, Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
A number of Estonian settlements were formed in Abkhazia in the 1880s. This article uses archival sources, written memoirs, diaries and secondary literature to focus on the experiences of Estonians in Abkhazia during the Russian Civil War until the establishment of Soviet power in 1921. The article discusses what role the proclamation of the Republic of Estonia played for the settlers, and what the change of status from an internal migrant to an emigrant meant for the Estonian community in Abkhazia, but also the political opportunities that the establishment of Estonia as an independent republic brought to compatriots living in the diaspora.
Abkhazia – colonization – Estonian diaspora – Russian Civil War – handwritten sources
The full article in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (1.75 MB)
See also
+ Estonians in Abkhazia by Aivar Jürgenson
+ Establishment of the Estonia village on the bank of the Kodor River at the end of the Tsarist era, by Marika Mikkor
+ August Martin: An Estonian as a Member of Abkhazia’s Parliament, by Aivar Jürgenson
+ Estonian Orientalist Linnart Mäll and his role in activities of the UNPO during the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict, by Aivar Jürgenson