Sukhum Showcases Batal Dzhopua: An Ode to Abkhazian Artistry

The exhibition will run until September 3.
SUKHUM / AQW'A — Batal Dzhapua, a distinguished artist of Abkhazia and laureate of the Dmitry Gulia State Award, unveiled his exhibition in Sukhum's Central Exhibition Hall on Wednesday, August 23.
"The scope of Batal as an artist, as a personality, and as a researcher is so vast that it's impossible to succinctly capture it all," remarked Elvira Arsalia, the director of the Central Exhibition Hall. "He engages in decorative arts, stage design, painting, and graphics. For decades, he has consistently amazed with his diligence and his ability to preserve and innovate. Most importantly, no matter what Batal delves into, the primary thread that connects everything is the spiritual and material culture of the Abkhaz people."
+Master of All Trades: Abkhazian Artist Batal Dzhapua Turns 60
According to the artist himself, his current creative phase is centred around watercolours. He passionately works using watercolour techniques, exploring its endless possibilities — from the richness of textures, the spontaneity of colour splashes, to the uniqueness of light combinations.
The exhibition showcases 81 of the artist's works, displayed across two halls in the Central Exhibition Hall. Art enthusiasts have ten days to familiarize themselves with and immerse in Dzhapua's artistry, as the exhibition will run until September 3.