Viacheslav Chirikba's Hypothesis on da Vinci's Mother Confirmed by Italian Archives

Viacheslav Chirikba's hypothesis that Leonardo da Vinci's mother was a Circassian slave has been confirmed by Italian archives.

The father of the great artist and scientist, Leonardo da Vinci, was a Florentine notary named Ser Piero da Vinci from the Tuscan city of Florence. However, apart from her name, Caterina, nothing is known about his mother, and her identity has remained shrouded in mystery.

Read more …Viacheslav Chirikba's Hypothesis on da Vinci's Mother Confirmed by Italian Archives

A rare two-volume study of the Caucasus was donated to the National Library of Abkhazia

Liana Kvarchelia, Boris Cholaria and Arda Inal-ipa at the National Library of Abkhazia

SUKHUM / AQW'A -- Douglas Freshfield's two-volume work, "The Exploration of the Caucasus" in English was donated to the National Library of Abkhazia by George Hewitt, a British linguist and Emeritus Professor of Caucasian languages. The National Library shared the news on social media

Read more …A rare two-volume study of the Caucasus was donated to the National Library of Abkhazia

The Biblical History of Georgian Ancestors From Adam to Jesus, by Bishop Anania Dzhaparidze | WARNING!

Bishop Anania Dzhaparidze has produced a book (in Georgian) entitled ‘The Biblical History of Georgian Ancestors From Adam to Jesus’. In it we read: ‘Two thousand years ago, after the Ascension, the Lord appeared to the All-holy Mother-of-God and informed her about the future life of the Georgian people: “O Mother of Mine, I shall not disregard the people chosen above/most favoured of all nations, through your help for them”.’ These words of the Lord are presented by the bishop in Old Georgian, which he then renders for his readers into modern Georgian as follows: ‘O Mother of Mine, I shall not disregard the Georgian people, glorious among nations/peoples, through your help for them.’ One might be wondering at this point where in the Bible’s New Testament this passage occurs. One will of course search in vain, for it is to be found in the 11th-century Georgian chronicle of Leont’i Mroveli. Indeed, the reference is helpfully given by the good bishop – it is page 38 of Simon Q’aukhchishvili’s 1955 edition of Kartlis Tsxovreba ‘Life of Kartli [Georgia]’. 

Read more …The Biblical History of Georgian Ancestors From Adam to Jesus, by Bishop Anania Dzhaparidze |...



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