Art for everyone: how a dancer from Turkey took up street-art in Abkhazia

Kadir Tvanba

Asmat Tsvizhba | Sputnik -- Repatriant from Turkey Kadir Tvanba is one of the few street-artists in Abkhazia. In an interview with Sputnik, he talked about why working on a wall is more difficult than working on canvas, and how ideas for drawings come to him.

We met with a repatriant from the Turkish town of Düzce, a young artist and dancer, Kadir Tvanba in April 2018. At that time, he had lived in Abkhazia a little more than six months, but he was already familiar to active Instagram users, where he posted author's drawings of Abkhazian landscapes; furthermore, he had already soloed in several numbers of the state-ensemble ‘Kavkaz’ [Caucasus].

Read more …Art for everyone: how a dancer from Turkey took up street-art in Abkhazia

Outliving the Century: the story of a centenarian woman from Djgerda

Fenya Latsushba was born in 1913 in the village of Djgerda.

In the village of Djgerda, on the periphery of civilization, where even the dirt road has long been overgrown with grass, lives centenarian Fenya Latsushba, who turned 107 a few days ago.

It is impossible to listen to her story without tears and a lump in your throat. There were many misfortunes during Fenya Sitovna’s lifetime - two wars, the loss of the people dearest to her. But nothing broke her. After talking with her, there remains only one question: how can a person endure so much suffering and find the strength to carry on living?

Read more …Outliving the Century: the story of a centenarian woman from Djgerda

Unlicensed for travel: how the quarantine and border-closure have affected dogs from the Topa shelter

The Bagira Animal Protection Fund was opened in Abkhazia in 2016

The Bagira Animal Protection Fund was opened in Abkhazia in 2016, and during this time the Fund’s employees have placed more than 700 dogs from the Republic, not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the USA, and Canada.

After the closure of the state-borders of the Russian Federation due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus-infection, sending dogs abroad became impossible, but these are not the only difficulties that the Bagira Foundation and the Topa Dog Shelter in the Gagra District are experiencing.

Read more …Unlicensed for travel: how the quarantine and border-closure have affected dogs from the Topa...

House for an architect: how a repatriate, Shabnam Marshan, found herself in Abkhazia

Sebnem Marshan

Architect Şebnem (Shabnam) Marshan from Turkey decided to stay in Abkhazia forever after spending two weeks here. As for what made her return to her historical homeland and how the life of a repatriate in the ‘Land of the Soul’ turned out, you can find out more here.

On New Year's Eve several years ago a studio of architecture and design was opened in the centre of the capital of Abkhazia. Large glass windows, bright curtains and unusual lighting attracted the attention of all passers-by.

Read more …House for an architect: how a repatriate, Shabnam Marshan, found herself in Abkhazia



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