Reports of Abkhazia’s impending annexation are exaggerated

Taklama -- According to the most spurious headlines, Abkhazia's annexation by Russia has just about already happened. And even some serious news outlets and commentators proclaim that the proposed Treaty on Alliance and Integration is a step in that direction and constitutes in terms of sovereignty a point of no return. But what exactly does the treaty say?

Read more …Reports of Abkhazia’s impending annexation are exaggerated

Otherworldly Abkhazia cave

Vladimir Mulde/Caters News -- These otherworldly images give a rare glimpse inside caves barely ever seen by the human eye. With its peculiar pools of water and strange colored sediments, the bizarre looking tunnels of the Shakuranskaya cave could be a set straight out of a science fiction film.

Read more …Otherworldly Abkhazia cave

Window on Eurasia: Can the Ubykh Language Return from the Dead?

Tevfik Esenc and George Hewitt

Paul Goble - Window on Eurasia

Staunton, October 4 – Deputies of the Kabardino-Balkarian parliament have appealed to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to include the Ubykhs, a subgroup of the Circassian nation, on the official list of numerically small indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and thus take the first step to the revival of a language which has been considered dead since 1992. 

Read more …Window on Eurasia: Can the Ubykh Language Return from the Dead?

Letter of Indignation and Protest

ALLS Media Monitoring -- We would like to bring to your attention that three representatives of the Abkhaz civil society, Gulnara Kichba, the Chairperson of the organization “Mothers of Abkhazia for Peace and Social Justice”, Asida Lomiya, the staff member of the same organization and Liudmila Sagariya, the staff member of the Foundation of Disabled and Amputees “Veresk” have been denied to obtain visas in the Polish Consulate in Moscow. 

Read more …Letter of Indignation and Protest

Amazon Warriors' Names Revealed Amid "Gibberish" on Ancient Greek Vases

Translations reveal Amazons' names such as Don't Fail and Hot Flanks hidden in ancient "nonsense" inscriptions.

By Dan Vergano
National Geographic

Ancient Greek vases have revealed the hidden names of Amazons, mythology's warrior women, in a report deciphering ancient languages unspoken for millennia.

Read more …Amazon Warriors' Names Revealed Amid "Gibberish" on Ancient Greek Vases



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