The remains of missing at the War of the Abkhazia Gia Emurkhba and Chichiko Gorzoliya are identified

During the 1992-93 War the Abkhazians lost 4% of their population
There was a meeting of the First Deputy Prime Minister Shamil Adzynba with relatives of missing persons Gia Emurhba Chichiko Gorzoliya, whose remains have been identified recently. The Head of the national bureau of forensic experts at the Ministry of Health of the Republic Gennady Bobua presented the results of the examination to the bereaved families.
Further was held a press conference at which the first deputy prime minister told reporters about his visit to Yerevan, where, in December 2-3, also was held a regular bilateral meeting on missing persons under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). According to him, the meeting was devoid of political component. Shamil Adzynba also shared his future plans: a meeting of forensic experts to exchange information, which will take place in February and the invitation of specialists to Abkhazia with special equipment to scan the soil from Argentina ,to make the job of finding buried easier.
"The most successful works on an identification in the Caucasus are in our country, I think this is due to the fact that we have minimized the political component of the matter," - said Adzynba.
The rally to mark the reburial ceremony of the participants of the March military operations will be held in the Park of Glory
On Saturday 6th December 2014, at 11:00 in Sukhum,in the Park of Glory will be held a rally to mark the reburial of two participants of the March military operation: Chichiko Gorzoliya and Gia Emurhba.
Chichiko Gorzoliya - Born in 05.10.1943 with in Tkhina, Ochamchira district. Missing in the period of the March military operation in the area of Achadara. The member of the "Veteran" was posthumously awarded the Order of Leon. Married, father of four children. The Burial will be held at the Park of Glory.
Gia Emurhba - Born in 09.05.1961 in Akuaska, Ochamchira district. Missing in the period of the March operation in the area of the r. Gumista. The member of the "Baba-du". Single. The Burial will be held at the family cemetery of the village Akuaska.