The Deputy Foreign Minister I.R. Khintba Meets with the UNHCR Representatives

SUKHUM -- On June 28 the Deputy Foreign Minister Irakli Khintba held a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Head of the UNHCR Office in Abkhazia John McKissick and staff of the mission.
They had a detailed discussion about UNHCR projects implemented in the Gal district. J. McKissick informed I.Khintba about the results of the first half of 2013 and outlined the plans of the agency for the second half of the year.
Deputy Minister commented on a number of issues contained in the recent report of the UN Secretary General. In particular, Khintba considers irrelevant the very formulation of the problem of "freedom of movement" through the Georgian-Abkhazian border. This issue is being actively promoted by Georgia. "We know that our efforts on strengthening the state border with Georgia seriously concern Tbilisi and several Western capitals. However, it is our most urgent task. The chaotic and often unsafe crossing of the Georgian-Abkhazian border is not the "freedom of movement" which Georgia and its allies should take care of. Building of complete and secure state border does not violate the basic rights of the population of the Gal district and the rest of Abkhazia; on the contrary it helps to ensure them ", - Khintba said.
Khintba noted with satisfaction that the report of the UN Secretary General clearly confirmed the need to switch from the approach of "humanitarian response" to the paradigm of development in the provision of international assistance. "It is important that the signals of the Abkhaz leadership were heard," – Khintba said.