Increasing funds to develop the Abkhaz language will enable enlargement of existing programmes

The Director Gunda Kvitsinia informed Aleksandr Ankvab about the projects of the State Fund for the Development of the Abkhaz language for the current year Ankvab informed, as reported by the Office of Information of the President of the Republic of Abkhazia.
Kvitsinia noted that the increase in the budget of the Fund to 1.1 million roubles will enable the enlargement of existing programmes. She noted that there is the possibility to produce all the necessary materials for the study of the Abkhaz language from an early age.
Gunda Kvitsinia noticed with satisfaction that all the products manufactured by the Fund do not fester on the shelves either at the Fund or at points of sale.
The Fund distributes books and pamphlets in schools and pre-school organisations for free. Last year printed materials to the value of 450,000 roubles were distributed for free.
According to the Director of the Fund, audio- and video-materials for the study of the Abkhaz language, dubbed cartoons and movies are also in great demand, including among the repatriants.
"Our work brings results even today, but the benefits it brings will be more visible in the future," said Gunda Kvitsinia.
Aleksandr Ankvab expressed a readiness in case of need to finance projects of the State Fund for the Development of the Abkhaz Language above the budgeted amount.