President Aslan Bzhania Visited The Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman

SUKHUM / AQW'A -- President Aslan Bzhania visited the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights today.
In a conversation with President, Ombudsman Asida Shakryl said: “The Office of the Ombudsman is a young institution and many officials are not used to it, so we need your help. During the entire period of the Office's work, many problems have accumulated related to the violation of human rights in the structures of the executive branch. This is due to the fact that some officials have little knowledge of the law or are not familiar with human rights."
However, according to her, the irresponsibility of officials is not always the cause of human rights violations.
“Our laws reflect the necessary legal principles, but there are no mechanisms for their implementation. Among the most important topics that I would like to discuss is the issue of ensuring the rule of law in the country. The problem is that the law is easily violated by top and middle officials, and rarely who is responsible for this. No reform will succeed unless the law is respected. You can paint any ideal concept, but it will never be implemented without compliance with the laws, ” Shakryl emphasized.
President Aslan Bzhania noted that one of the main tasks of the head of state is to protect the rights of citizens.
“The rights of our citizens are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Abkhazia, and their protection is one of the priority tasks of the authorities,” Bzhania stressed.