Ashana Foundation Celebrates 11 Years of Success, Raising Over $1.2 Million for Children's Medical Treatments

SUKHUM / AQW'A ― Since its inception in 2012, Ashana foundation has raised over 91.7 million rubles (approximately $1.2 million USD) for children's medical treatments, organised over 250 charity events, and funded 573 treatments for 385 children.
Throughout 2022, the "Save Life Together" campaign raised 16.1 million rubles (about $215,000 USD) for the treatment of critically ill children, while the "Piggy Bank of Kindness" donation boxes collected 938,000 rubles (around $12,500 USD). The mobile app "Tooba" gathered 775,861 rubles (roughly $10,350 USD) for eight of the foundation's projects.
Additionally, the Aquafon mobile operator collected more than 342,000 rubles (about $4,570 USD) from SMS donations, and the A-Mobile operator received 59,000 rubles (nearly $790 USD). A total of 20,103 SMS messages containing the word "good" were sent by mobile subscribers, resulting in a combined total of 402,060 rubles (approximately $5,360 USD) raised through SMS donations and the "Balance Transfer" service.
At the meeting, the most generous subscribers supporting the cause received awards. The most active A-Mobile subscribers included Raul Aristava, Anna Manukyan, Tatyana Shilchikova, Rimma Khagba, and Vladimir Lashikyan. The most generous Aquafon network users in 2022 were Amra Dzhopua, Amza Bartsits, Amina Argun, Asta Chukbar, with the fifth user preferring to remain anonymous.
In 2022, the "Lesson of Kindness" initiative in Abkhazian schools contributed more than 1 million rubles (over $13,300 USD) to the foundation's account, while the "Childhood Holiday: Kind Potato" campaign raised 126,725 rubles (about $1,690 USD). The "In the Name of Life" auction collected 512,000 rubles (nearly $6,830 USD).
In collaboration with the Abkhazian Ministry of Health, Ashana launched the "Healthy Generation" project, inviting experts to give lectures on pregnancy planning and childcare in Abkhazian regions. As part of the project, Yerevan-based orthopedist Hovsep Danielyan examined 250 children, ordered 15 orthoses, and performed surgery on eight children.
Under the "Healthy Generation" Program, Neurorehabilitation Center "Impulse" Specialists Examine 19 Children
According to Beslan Shakai, the founder of the Ashana Foundation, two essential principles guided the foundation's creation: continually attracting new partners and maintaining transparency through annual activity reports.
Adherence to these principles, Shakai emphasised, enabled the foundation to raise twice as much funding in 2022 as in previous years, despite global challenges. He highlighted the importance of unity in society, which allows for the implementation of projects that serve the greater good.
Abkhazia's Minister of Health, Eduard Butba, suggested that it is time for all charitable organisations to join forces under the Ministry of Health's umbrella, with a primary focus on helping children. During the report meeting, partners and benefactors of the foundation were presented with certificates and diplomas in recognition of their contributions.