Ankvab has given an interview to the Italian magazine "Eurasia"

SUKHUM -- Ankvab has given an interview to the editor of the Italian magazine "Eurasia", Filippo Pederzini. He is currently in Abkhazia, along with professor of sociology Mauro Murgia. Murgia has visited Abkhazia several times and is President of the Association of Italo-Abkhazian friendship. In the first issue of "Eurasia" this year appears the editor’s conversation with Mauro Murgia on the topic of Abkhazia.
"Recently there has developed in Italy an interest in Abkhazia, not only among citizens but also among political circles," said Mauro Murgia.
"Rather than talk about Abkhazia, the Abkhazians should be allowed to speak for themselves. That is our opinion," said Filippo Pederzini.
Ankvab recalled that, in ancient times, links existed between Abkhazia and Rome and noted that today, especially, these links links should be developed.
"There are some double standards, and these must be overcome. And one of the tools to overcome is these standards is [dissemination of] information about Abkhazia. You are already doing this," said the president.
The guests expressed interest in the domestic and foreign policy of Abkhazia.
"We are faced with specific goals, and we will attain them. Russia is the only country that is providing us with full support. All others, especially the EU countries, are interested in the question of whether or not we are going to survive," said Alexandr Ankvab.
The President reiterated that recognition by Russia was a huge breakthrough in our recent history.
"Something that has been sought by more than one generation of our people has been achieved," said Alexandr Ankvab.
The guests were also interested in other issues. They noted that it would be beneficial to develop relations between our countries in the spheres of education and sport.
"We are interested in this," said Alexandr Ankvab.
He noted that in Abkhazia there are a lot of fans of Italian football.
"We have nothing against flying to Italy to watch matches," the president added.
Filippo Pederzini and Mauro Murgia noted that the citizens of Abkhazia can easily obtain visas at the Italian Embassy in Moscow.
"We are proud of this," they said.
ApsnyPress reported on this in the Office of Information under the President.