Abkhazian Foreign Minister Inal Ardzinba's Visits Lebanon and Türkiye

SUKHUM / AQW'A ― Inal Ardzinba, the Foreign Minister of Abkhazia, recently visited Lebanon and Türkiye as part of his official duties in the Middle East. These visits were aimed at discussing potential cooperation and establishing stronger ties with these countries.
In Lebanon, Minister Ardzinba met with Alexander Rudakov, the Russian Ambassador to Lebanon. Their discussions were primarily focused on exploring ways to initiate and enhance dialogue between Abkhazia and Lebanon, with an emphasis on trade and economic collaboration.
Additionally, in Beirut, Minister Ardzinba engaged in consultations with prominent local figures such as Jacques Jean Sarraf, the Co-Chair of the Russian-Lebanese Business Council, and Mohamed Choucair, the Head of the Beirut Chamber of Commerce. These meetings were geared towards assessing the potential for strengthening economic ties between Abkhazia and Lebanon.
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In a separate visit to Türkiye, Minister Ardzinba met with Ibrahim Avidzba, Abkhazia's Plenipotentiary Representative in Türkiye. Their conversation revolved around increasing engagement with the Abkhazian community in Türkiye and planning significant cultural and social events.
These visits by Minister Ardzinba represent steps towards enhancing Abkhazia's diplomatic relationships with countries in the Middle East. They reflect an effort to engage in dialogue and cooperation with regional partners, focusing on areas of mutual interest and benefit.