Energy Crisis in Abkhazia Will Suspend Educational Process
SUKHUM / AQW’A — Abkhazia is contending with a severe energy crisis and mounting financial challenges, prompting authorities to propose a one-week suspension of educational activities and consider emergency measures.
Acting Education Minister Inal Gabliya, speaking at a meeting with Acting President Badra Gunba, explained that schools and kindergartens are proposed to be closed from 11 to 17 December due to challenges in heating educational facilities.
“We propose taking an additional holiday period, notifying our teachers, school principals, and heads of preschool institutions so that they take control of the educational process and ensure that children continue their studies at home,” said Gabliya.
This proposal highlights the strain the energy crisis is placing on public services, including education, as authorities seek to alleviate the pressure on limited electricity resources.
In a further attempt to ease pressure on the national grid, Abkhaz internet providers have been requested by the Energy Security Headquarters to cut internet services overnight (from 00:00 to 07:00) to curb illegal cryptocurrency mining activities, which heavily burden the electricity supply. Officials are also due to decide on whether to declare a state of emergency in the energy sector.
Acting Prime Minister Valery Bganba warned that the IngurHES reservoir remains at a critically low level. Should no solution be found to pay for Russian energy transfers, Abkhazia may have to rely solely on domestic generation from IngurHES. In such a scenario, cautioned Acting Energy Minister Dzhansukh Nanba, the nation might receive no more than six hours of electricity per day.
Meanwhile, the energy crisis presents a serious threat to vulnerable facilities. Director of the Sukhum Monkey Nursery Institute, Zurab Mikvabiya, expressed alarm over the welfare of primates, which are highly susceptible to cold temperatures. While some heating provisions exist for elderly and sick animals, many primates risk illness or worse if extended power outages persist throughout the winter.
It is worth recalling that Russia completely suspended financial aid to Abkhazia following the resignation of Aslan Bzhania and the rejection of the proposed “investment agreement.” Tensions had already escalated earlier this year when Abkhazia withdrew the contentious “apartment law” from parliamentary consideration and declined to review the “Foreign Agents” law.