The Beauty of mountainous Abkhazia will be available to an online audience

SUKHUM -- A project named “Mountainous Abkhazia” will be launched on 17 June 2012. It is financed by the Abkhaz Community Development Fund charitable foundation of which Tengiz Tarba is co-director.
Tarba explained that the project will encompass 12 difficult ascents in Abkhazia’s mountains. Video and still shots will be taken during the ascents and the finished materials in the form of pictures and travel notes with a detailed description of the climbs will be posted on the Abkhaz Community development Fund’s Facebook and Live Journal pages. GPS navigation tracks will be created for all routes and entered onto the navigational map of Abkhazia.
"The aim of the project is to show young people and all who are interested in the topic the beauty and infinite variety of the Abkhaz mountains, to provide information that will influence the formation of the inner world of young people and awaken in them an interest in mountain landscapes and routes and help them better understand the landscape of their country, " Tengiz Tarba told an Apsnypress reporter.
Tarba himself was one of the expedition working group, together with Eduard Chernopyatov, a historian, mountain climber and expert on the Caucasus who graduated from the History Faculty of Moscow State University, and Fat Smyr, an employee of the Directorate for Emergency Situations and a veteran lifeguard and mountain hiking instructor.
The following routes will be covered within the framework of the project: the ascent to the Bzyb karst plateau; the ascent to the summits of Achibahu, Chumkuzba, Narchkhou and Akh-ag and to the lakes of the Pagav Ridge; and crossing the Tsibishkha and Chkhalta Ridges and the Chelim massif. The group will also make its way to the Atsetug Lakes, the Arbaika pass and the Khims glacier.
Once the project is complete, all the expedition materials will be handed over free of charge to the Nature Department of the Abkhaz State Museum to enable it to renew and expand its collection. Two State Museum employees, deputy director and consultant for toponymy Tach Gitsba and Nature Department head Taya Alania, who is a consultant for natural and historic monuments, are in contact with the expedition working group.
The Informational component of the project will consist of publications on the Internet, and after completion of the project it is planned to prepare a program for Abkhaz State Television and Radio that will cover all phases of the project and all the climbs undertaken.
Source: ApsnyPress
Mountains of Abkhazia | Горная Абхазия from Tengiz Tarba on Vimeo.