Alexander Ankvab holds meeting on repatriation

SUKHUM -- Prime Minister Leonid Lakerbaya, the Secretary of the Security Council Nugzar Ashuba, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance Valery Delba, the Chairman of the State Committee on Repatriation Hrips Dzhopua, and the chief of the Presidential Executive Office Beslan Kubrava were invited to the meeting.
They discussed the process of settling down compatriots from Syria who had returned to their historical homeland.
It was mentioned at the meeting that for this purpose a funding source has to be found and one of the unfinished high-rise buildings in Sukhum has to be repaired.
Resources of the Repatriation Fund are not enough for financing the construction as a lot of money is spent today on accommodation and allowances to repatriates.
The budget of the Fund for this year is Rub 114 million.