CCI President Met With Representatives of the Chamber in France

SUKHUM / AQW'A -- President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tamila Mertskhulava on Thursday 26 May met with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Abkhazia in France Alina Ashuba-Bethune and Jean-Christophe Bethune.
The parties discussed work-plans for the future. Tamila Mertskhulava thanked the guests for many years of fruitful cooperation and implementation of projects aimed at promoting Abkhazia in their country of residence.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasised the importance of the work of each representative not only for the Chamber itself but also for improving the image of the Republic as a whole.
“Today, the priority for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the efficiency of representing the interests of Abkhazian business abroad, including deepening its integration into the world economic system and reaching new facets of cooperation. Therefore, it is so important to increase the potential of foreign representations and representatives of the Chamber,” Tamila Mertskhulava believes.
Alina Ashuba-Bethune and Jean-Christophe Bethune expressed their readiness to provide all possible assistance to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the implementation of events held in France.
At the end of the meeting, Tamila Mertskhulava presented the representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France with a commemorative commemorative coin in honour of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Chamber.