Admission for Guide Preparation Courses Now Open at ASU

SUKHUM / AQW'A ― From 2016 to 2023, about 500 people enrolled in courses offered by the center for training specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business at Abkhaz State University.
The director of the center, Kristina Lakerbaya, said that the training of guides at the Center for Training Specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business at Abkhaz State University comprises a theoretical and practical component.
The Center at ASU provides training for guides, methodologists, and instructors of mountain and hiking tourism, as per the director of the center. The courses, which encompass 298 teaching hours, comprise a theoretical and practical component.
Theoretical instruction covers Abkhazia's history, geography, ethnography, methodological techniques, and first aid, while practical training involves trips along designated excursion routes, with trainees drawing up their own programs. Participants will go on four trips in total, including visits to Lake Ritsa, New Athos, eastern Abkhazia, and Sukhum.
The director of the center noted that experienced guides can also partake in advanced training at ASU, which lasts 72 hours. Lakerbaya added that the number of experienced professionals interested in furthering their education is increasing each year.