A United Stand: Abkhaz People's Initiative Challenges Proposed Apartment Law

SUKHUM / AQW'A — In an era of significant geopolitical shifts and potential threats to cultural integrity, the Diaspora Abkhaz People's Initiative, a prominent organization based in Türkiye, is raising its voice to safeguard the future of Abkhazia. They have issued a compelling statement, calling upon all Abkhaz people and friends of Abkhazia to heed their rallying cry.
The statement is a profound testament to their dedication to protect Abkhazia's national sovereignty, cultural heritage, and the rights of its people. The Diaspora Abkhaz People's Initiative vehemently opposes the proposed "Apartment Law," perceiving it as a threat to the nation's demographic balance and cultural identity. This translated statement provides a closer look into their concerns, resistance, and call to collective action.
The statement, originally posted in Turkish, reads as follows:
It is with deep regret that we find ourselves compelled to appeal to all Abkhazians and friends of Abkhazia amid these challenging times.
We are compelled to speak up as ominous clouds of uncertainty once again gather over the ancient Abkhaz homeland and its people.
Over centuries, our people have endured waves of invasion, systematic expulsions, and gradual depletion of their numbers from their homeland.
Today, our remaining compatriots are struggling to re-establish themselves amidst renewed threats from dark forces determined to extinguish the hopes of the homeland and its diaspora.
In response to this encroaching darkness and the assaults on our genetic heritage and values, we urgently call upon all our compatriots and friends:
The Abkhazians, who have been grappling with the lingering threat of population decline over the last 150 years and successfully shattered the oppressive shroud intended for them in a national uprising in 1992-1993, now face the looming threat of erasure from history for the sake of the ambitions of self-serving profiteers.
We unequivocally reject this dire prospect and appeal once more to the sound judgement of our people, which we deeply trust:
We have come to learn that the government of Abkhazia is trying to implement the "Apartment Law," intending to open the country's doors to investors by building thirty thousand new residences across six regions and market these properties to foreigners. This development implies an impending influx of 150 thousand foreigners into the country.
This initiative represents a potential national suicide for the Abkhazians, who haven't been successful in establishing their language and culture predominantly in their homeland, and who continue to tread delicately within their demographic borders.
As Abkhazians in the diaspora and friends of Abkhazia, we hold our compatriots living in our homeland in the highest regard, express deep gratitude, and firmly believe it's inappropriate to interfere in their internal affairs for any reason.
Yet, this respect does not mean we will refrain from confronting those willing to risk our national future by surrendering the land, which is the resting place of our ancestors, for personal gain. As stated in the Abkhazia Constitution, we are the inherent citizens of this country.
Embracing this consciousness, we urge all our compatriots, "Let's act before our country succumbs to this impending darkness," and we raise our voices with all our might:
Our homeland is not the personal estate of our rulers! Consequently, they cannot, even for a moment, consider imposing any project that threatens the sovereign rights and existence of our people on these lands. Our homeland is a sacred legacy from our ancestors, the nurturing cradle for our future generations.
With a sense of profound responsibility:
Against those who devise laws for the interests of malevolent groups,
Against those who dismiss the principle of the separation of powers and undermine a free parliament,
Against those who endanger the wellbeing of the homeland and the security of the nation,
Diaspora Abkhaz People's Initiative