Farewell to Albert Topolyan, Hero of Abkhazia, Held in Sukhum

Albert Topolyan, Hero of Abkhazia, passed away on 4 September 2024, at the age of 89.

Albert Topolyan, Hero of Abkhazia, passed away on 4 September 2024, at the age of 89.

SUKHUM / AQW'A ―  Albert Topolyan, a prominent figure in Abkhazian politics and a Hero of Abkhazia, passed away on 4 September 2024, at the age of 89. Born on 2 April 1935, Topolyan was a veteran of the national liberation movement, a participant in the Patriotic War of the People of Abkhazia (Georgian-Abkhazian War of 1992-93), and a fighter in the Armenian battalion named after Marshal Bagramyan. His passing marks the loss of a significant public and political figure who played a crucial role in Abkhazia's struggle for independence.

In Sukhum, a farewell ceremony took place at the House of Teachers for statesman and public figure, Albert Topolyan, who served as Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Abkhazia (1992-1996) and was a Hero of Abkhazia.

Farewell to Albert Topolyan, Hero of Abkhazia, Held in Sukhum

The ceremony was attended by Vice President Badra Gunba, officials from the Presidential Administration, members of the Government, Parliament deputies, family members, friends, colleagues, and representatives of the public.

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Delba, opening the memorial, highlighted Topolyan’s key life achievements and his significant role in the formation and development of the Abkhaz state.

“He devoted the best years of his life to defending the freedom and independence of his homeland. In every state and public position he held, he stood out as an experienced leader and organizer, with high moral standards and an active life stance. His passing is an irreparable loss for all the people of Abkhazia,” said Delba.

Sergey Shamba on Albert Topolyan

Foreign Minister Sergey Shamba shared personal memories of Topolyan, recalling their long friendship and shared political journey, starting in 1989.

Shamba emphasized that during a difficult time for the country, Topolyan left his medical profession to stand with the defenders of Abkhazia.

“He was instrumental in creating a new model of the Supreme Council, which enabled many of our victories. Sadly, we are losing the founders of our state, and Albert Topolyan was one of them. Eternal memory to him,” Shamba added.

Chairman of the Armenian community of Abkhazia, Alik Minosyan, spoke about Topolyan’s role as a deputy in the first Parliament, describing him as part of the "golden" group that, alongside national leader Vladislav Ardzinba, laid the foundation for Abkhazia's future independence.

"Albert Topolyan was a true son of his homeland. He lived with the concerns of Abkhazia until his final days, always ready to offer sound advice. We remember the footage of the Armenian battalion swearing an oath in February 1993, a battalion that Topolyan played a crucial role in creating. He was the first to take the oath and remained faithful to it until the end, serving his homeland with honour.”

Minosyan noted that Topolyan’s path began as a doctor at Sukhum hospital, leading him to become Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council and play an active role in the defense of Abkhazia.

MP Leonid Lakerbaya shared memories of the 1992 war, recalling Topolyan’s calm and leadership during the chaos. He also highlighted Topolyan's critical role in creating the Armenian battalion, which proved its valor in the March offensive.

"Some say Albert was a tough person. When his mother was brutally murdered, you could only see his pain in his facial expression. He never let anyone think his personal pain was more important than Abkhazia's. That was the greatness of the man we say goodbye to today," said Lakerbaya.

He called on the Armenian community of Abkhazia to preserve Topolyan’s memory as the man who laid the "reinforced foundation" for the community in Abkhazia.

Recollections were also shared by Aleko Gvaramia, Rector of Abkhaz State University, and Vagarshak Kosyan, veteran of the 1992-1993 the Georgian-Abkhazian war and commander of the Armenian battalion.

Albert Gasparovich Topolyan was born on April 2, 1935, in Sukhum. He graduated from Sukhum High School No. 2 in 1953, and went on to study at Yerevan State Medical Institute.

After serving in the Soviet Army, he worked as a doctor in Sukhum before becoming an influential public figure. In 1990, he founded the Armenian cultural society "Krunk" and later served in multiple high-level government roles, including Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council, Vice Premier, and Minister.

Topolyan was recognized as a Hero of Abkhazia and awarded the Order of "Akhz-Apsha" II degree.




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