Sukhum Commemorates Liberation Anniversary with Concert

SUKHUM / AQW'A ―  A ceremonial evening dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the liberation of Sukhum was held at the State Philharmonic. The head of the capital’s administration, Beslan Eshba, delivered a congratulatory speech, highlighting that the liberation of Sukhum and subsequently the entire republic marked the beginning of a new chapter in the country’s history.

“A new chapter has begun for our country—a path towards recognition and development. I believe that we must always honour the significant dates in our history and remember the sacrifices that brought about this victory. Those in high positions should always reflect on the results of the war when making decisions,” Eshba emphasized.

Beslan Eshba also noted the importance of celebrating this day together with the people of Sukhum.

Following this, a ceremony was held to honour members of the city administration with certificates of appreciation and commemorative Apsar coins for their many years of diligent service, high level of responsibility, professionalism, and daily efforts for the benefit of the city of Sukhum and its residents.

After the official part, the concert program began, featuring performers from the Abkhazian music scene, dance troupes, and vocal ensembles from across the republic. The event was organised by the Department of Culture of the Sukhum City Administration.

On 27 September 1993, the Abkhaz army liberated the capital, Sukhum, at the cost of huge losses. The operation to liberate Sukhum from Georgian State Council troops lasted 11 days. It was headed by then Defense Minister Major-General Sultan Sosnaliyev and the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Abkhazia, Major-General Sergei Dbar. During the day of 27 September 1993, the Abkhaz forces overcame the resistance of the enemy and liberated Sukhum. That event marked the de facto victory of the Abkhaz army in the war against the Georgian aggressors. During the following three days the Abkhaz army advanced to the River Ingur, and on 30 September raised the flag of the Republic of Abkhazia on the state border with Georgia.




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