Address of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia Viacheslav Chirikba to the representatives of the Abkhazian Diaspora in the Republic of Turkey

Address of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Viacheslav Chirikba to the representatives of the Abkhazian Diaspora in the Republic of Turkey on the occasion of regular elections of the Chairman of the Federation of Abkhaz Associations (ABHAZFED).
Dear compatriots, dear brothers and sisters!
Please allow me to greet you at the plenary session, dedicated to the next elections of the Chairman of the Federation of Abkhaz cultural centers. It is encouraging that, while living outside of historical homeland, you maintain close relationship with it, try to participate in its life, promote the expansion of Abkhazian cultural space and popularization of the Abkhazian language and image of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Turkish Republic, maintain Abkhazian traditional values and educate the younger generation in close connection with the life of our country. You all share common concern for the future of Abkhazia, our people, desire to be useful to your historical homeland to promote its socio-economic development, strengthen its international authority and prestige.
We do live in a unique time. We are building a new, free, prosperous and significant Abkhazia and significant Abkhazian Diaspora is one of the most important reserves in order to achieve our common goal. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Foreign Ministry and the Federation of Abkhaz cultural centers, as well as active members of the Abkhaz Diaspora in recent years it became possible to make significant progress in matters of establishing good neighborly relations with Turkey.
However, the question of strengthening existing contacts and building new channels of strong interaction with the outside world and expand international recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia remains very relevant and one of the priorities of foreign policy of the Abkhaz state. In this regard, a holistic, coordinated and systematic program of foreign policy of the Republic of Abkhazia is required, designed to promote good neighborly relations with neighboring countries - especially with such a major regional power as the Turkish Republic.
The main objectives of the foreign policy efforts are as follows:
1. Recognition of the independence of Abkhazia by the Republic of Turkey.
2. Opening of consular and other diplomatic missions in Ankara and Sukhum.
3. Mutual recognition of passports (travel documents).
4. Establishment of air and sea links between the Republic of Abkhazia and Turkey.
5. Attracting investments from Turkey.
In order to implement the above objectives it is necessary to activate the entire complex of the available tools to promote the public interest of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Turkish Republic. Only through a focused foreign policy activities and use of the entire arsenal of diplomatic means it is possible to make further progress in matters of promotion of the image of the Republic of Abkhazia in a friendly Turkey, to ensure its interests and to strengthen its position in the region. It is imperative to strengthen the coordination of actions to achieve the strategic objectives between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia and the Federation of Abkhaz cultural centers. It should be emphasized that an important factor for achieving these goals is the unity of the Abkhaz Diaspora, as well as its close relationship with our brothers - Adyg and generally the North Caucasian Diaspora in the Turkish Republic.
I have the honor to express confidence that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia and will continue to promote close cooperation with representatives of the Abkhaz Diaspora in Turkey and in other countries with their historical homeland - Apsny. Let me wish you peace, happiness, prosperity and productive work.
Sincerely, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Chirikba V.A.
Source: MFA Apsny