145 Repatriants from the Syrian Arab Republic are Settled into the hotel "Aytar" in Sukhum

  • Diaspora
Abkhazians in Syria

SUKHUM -- 145 repatriants who arrived in Abkhazia from the Syrian Arab Republic have settled into the hotel "Aytar" in Sukhum. Despite the lateness of the hour (03.30), they were met in the courtyard by Foreign Minister Viacheslav Chirikba, by members of the public, and by young people actively involved in helping repatriants from Syria adapt to life in Abkhazia. Practically until dawn they helped unload the suitcases and carry them into the hotel. With tears in her eyes, Syrian repatriants who had earlier returned to their motherland and who at the present time are residing in the hotel “Aytar” met their compatriots. Among the large group who arrived were their closest relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Read more …145 Repatriants from the Syrian Arab Republic are Settled into the hotel "Aytar" in Sukhum

Abkhazian children are victims of the 23rd April

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Abkhaz children in Turkey

News: RIFAT BAŞARAN - Radikal

23 April, The International Children’s Festival has caused a diplomatic crisis for the first time in its history. The fact that they placed among the participating countries the Republic of Abkhazia, which Turkey does not recognise, resulted in an objection from Georgia. For that reason, TRT changed the name of the ‘Republic of Abkhazia’ into ‘Abkhazia Autonomous Republic-Georgia’. This was then opposed by Abkhazia. TRT resolved the situation by removing Abkhazia completely from the participating country-list. But the victims of this diplomatic crisis have been the children of Abkhazia who were preparing for the celebrations in Turkey.

Read more …Abkhazian children are victims of the 23rd April

The Children's Fund of Abkhazia expresses outrage at the exclusion of Abkhazia from the list of countries invited to Turkey for the International Children's Festival

  • Diaspora

SUKHUM -- The Children's Fund of Abkhazia expresses deep outrage at the fact that children's dance ensemble "Abaza" will not be able to take part in the International Children's Festival to be held on April 23, 2013 in Turkey due to the unacceptable conditions for participation, which are of a political nature.

We would remind you that Abkhazia was originally included in the list of countries participating in the festival, but at Georgia’s demand it was excluded from it as an unrecognized country. Georgia insisted that the organizers of the festival use the name "Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia” instead of the country’s name "Abkhazia."

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The State Repatriation Committee Holds a Meeting on the Issue of Repatriation from Syria

  • Diaspora

SUKHUM -- At the suggestion of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia Leonid Lakerbaya, the State Repatriation Committee held an extended meeting related to the issue of repatriation process from Syria. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the State Repatriation Committee and Repatriation Fund, the leadership of the Foreign Ministry of Abkhazia, the Deputy Speaker of the People’s Assembly A.Kharazia, deputies J. Zukhba, A. Gurgulia, D. Gunba , the Chairman of the Public Chamber N. Akaba, public activist Tsiza Gumba, the Chairman of the Social Charitable Organization “Apsadgyl akh” Roland Azhiba, representatives of civil society, repatriates from Syria and the media. 

Read more …The State Repatriation Committee Holds a Meeting on the Issue of Repatriation from Syria

Over two hundred representatives of the Abkhazian diaspora in Syria want to return to their historical homeland

  • Diaspora
Abkhaz diaspora in Syria

SUKHUM -- Prime Minister Leonid Lakerbaja held a meeting on Monday 1 April with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry, the State Committee for Repatriation, the Repatriation Fund and the representative of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Syrian Arab Republic, Sharaf Abaza (Marshan).

Read more …Over two hundred representatives of the Abkhazian diaspora in Syria want to return to their...

The Leadership of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Abkhazia Holds Meeting with the Younger Generation of Compatriots from Syria

  • Diaspora

SUKHUM -- The Leadership of the Foreign Ministry of Abkhazia has held meeting with the younger generation of compatriots from Syria who returned to their historic homeland. Organization of language courses, employment assistance, access to secondary and higher education and other issues which concern the repatriates.

Read more …The Leadership of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Abkhazia Holds Meeting with the Younger...

Viacheslav Chirikba: Our goal is to remove Abkhazia from international isolation

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SUKHUM -- Abkhazian Foreign Minister Viacheslav Chirikba received a Turkish delegation led by Abdulkadir Uchar, Mayor of the town of Side.

The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Sukhum, Alias Labakhua, and Deputy-Foreign Minister, Irakli Khintba. Sukhum and Side today signed an agreement to establish fraternal relations.

Read more …Viacheslav Chirikba: Our goal is to remove Abkhazia from international isolation

Information by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia on the process of repatriation of compatriots from Syria

  • Diaspora

SUKHUM -- According to the data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, within the framework of the assistance to the process o repatriation to their historical homeland of compatriots from the Syrian Arab Republic, 103 persons have already returned to the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia. Almost all the returnees are employed. Ten persons entered the preparatory department of the Abkhazian State University. Eight children became the students of the Sukhum boarding school and six children study in the Sukhum secondary schools. Four children are enrolled in the kindergartens.

Read more …Information by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia on the process of...



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