List of articles in category E-Library
We went to die in order to live [Мы шли на смерть, чтобы жить)
The Policy of Ethnic Enclosure: A Study of the Role of Language in Ethnic Rivalries in the Caucasus, by Vladimir Rouvinski
Abkhaz Studies, by Arie Spruit
Studies of Abkhaz Loanword (Abchasische Lehnwortstudien)
Selected works of Nikolai Marr
Ethnological results of a linguistic excursion in Abkhazia [Изъ лингвистической поѣздки въ Абхазiю] by N. Ya. Marr
Tales and legends of the Ubykhs [Contes et Legendes des Oubykhs] by Georges Dumézil
Ossetian Grammar [Ossetische Sprachlehre: Nebst Einer Abhandlung Über Das Mingrelische, Suanische Und Abchasische], by Georg Rosen
The Caucasus [Le Caucase] by Florence Craufurd Grove (1899)
History of the War and Dominance of the Russians in the Caucasus, by Nikolai Fedorovich Dubrovin
Note on the talk of the Abazas of Anatolia [Note sur le parler des Abazas D'Anatolie], by Georges Dumezil
In Abkhazia: Memories of a mission [En Abkhasie: Souvenirs d'une mission] by Joseph de Baye
Excursion to Samurzakan and Abkhazia [Excursion au Samourzakan et en Abkasie], by Carla Serena
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville: The version of the Cotton Manuscript in modern spelling
Essays on eastern questions: The Abkhasian insurrection, by William G. Palgrave
Abkhazian Stories, by Michael Lackerbye
The Architecture of Sukhum at the turn of the XIX-XXth centuries, by Anzor Agumaa
The Ubykhs: Historical and Ethnographical Study, by Leonid I. Lavrov
“Colchean” Amphorae from Abkhazia by Sergey Yu. Vnukov
The International Legal Status of the Republic of Abkhazia, by Viacheslav Chirikba
Revolution and Sovietization in the North Caucasus, by Pshemaho Kosok (Kotsev)
From the History of Byzantino-Apsilian Relations in the Eastern Black Sea Basin (V-VIII. Centuries)
A response to historians from Tbilisi (Documents and facts) by Stanislav Lakoba
Study of trade on Circassian-Abkhazian Black Sea in the years 1750-1762, by M. Pejsonel
Abkhazia: Between the Past and the Future
A Dictionary of Common Abkhaz, by Viacheslav Chirikba
The Exploration Of The Caucasus, by Douglas William Freshfield - Volume I & II
The Art of Abkhazian Kingdom from the VIIIth to the XIth Centuries
Rituals and myths of ancient Anatolia, by Vladislav G. Ardzinba
I.G. Shtritter "Avasgika, Apsilika, Misimianika
Questions of Ethno-Cultural History of the Abkhazians, by Shalva Inal-Ipa
Records Collected by the Caucasian Archaeological Commission
Conflict Resolution and Status: The Case of Georgia and Abkhazia (1989-2008), by Celine Francis
Our Vladislav, by K. Khagba & B. Zantaria
A Word about the First President, by V. Zantariya
Travels in Circassia, by William Blackwood & Sons (1856)
"Come on, now, no negativity — we are Abkhazians, aren’t we?!..." Sergey Dbar (Сергей Дбар "Ҳаит абаақәа, ҳаҧсуаами...")
Üşüyorum (I am cold) by Bekir Ashba
The Ethnic History of the Abkhazians in the XIX-XX centuries. (Ethno-political and Migrational Aspects), by Tejmuraz A. Achugba
Photo Album: Vladislav Ardzinba
Voyage autour du Caucase, chez les Tcherkesses et les Abkhases, en Colchide, en Géorgie, en Arménie et en Crimée - Frédéric Dubois de Montpéreux
Abkhazia on the turn of the century, by Oleg Damenia (2011)
Antroponomy of the Abkhaz people, by Shalva Inal-Ipa
Tsibilium: la nécropole apsile de Tsibilium (VIIe av. J.-C.-VIIIe ap.J.-C). (Abkhazie, Caucase), Volume 2 - Michel Kazanski, Anna Mastykova
Tsibilium: la nécropole apsile de Tsibilium (VIIe av. J.-C.-VIIIe ap.J.-C). (Abkhazie, Caucase).. Les fouilles de 1977-1986, Volume 1 - Youri Voronov
Questions concerning the traditional culture of the Abkhazians, by Kuprava A. E.
Materials on the history of Abkhazia of the XIXth Century (1803 - 1839). Collection of documentary materials. Vol. I Compiled by G.A. Dzidzaria
Forbidden Fruit and Other Stories, by Fazil Iskander
Abkhazia and Abkhazians in Russian periodicals (XIXth century to the start of the XXth century) - Book II
Abkhazia and Abkhazians in Russian periodicals (XIXth century to the start of the XXth century) - Book I



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