UNDP Delivered Humanitarian Aid to Gudauta Hospital

SUKHUM / AQW'A ― The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) delivered a new batch of personal protective equipment for medical workers, as well as related goods for a total of $26,200, to Gudauta hospital on August 15, 2020 due to increase of COVID-19 cases identified in Abkhazia.
This shipment of humanitarian aid includes 2,000 bio-protective coveralls, 140 N95 respirators, 20 infrared thermometers, 10,000 nitrile gloves of various sizes, 4,000 shoe covers, 300 liters of hand sanitizer, 250 liters of disinfectant, 10 disinfectant mats and 250 liters of antibacterial hand soap.
According to the Ministry of Health of Abkhazia, there are 197 cases of COVID-19 registered in the republic, of which 3 people died and 77 recovered. Currently, 21 infected patients are being treated at the Gudauta hospital.
This is the fifth batch of medical supplies delivered by UNDP to Abkhazia since the pandemic. Funding for this delivery was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UNDP, through the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Trust Fund. The total cost of medical materials for COVID-19 treatment provided by UNDP Abkhazia is 130,000 US dollars.
The total cost of medical materials for COVID-19 treatment provided by UNDP Abkhazia is 130,000 US dollars. Previous deliveries were made in March, April, May and June with financial support from UNDP, USAID and the European Union. All shipments were delivered to Abkhazia using a joint EU-UNDP coordination mechanism, established in 2010 with EU financial support.
+ The WHO will assist Abkhazia in the fight against coronavirus
+ UNICEF has sent humanitarian aid to a children's clinic and a maternity hospital in Abkhazia
UNDP also continues to provide training on COVID-19 for medical personnel in hospitals of Abkhazia. Under a USAID-funded program, UNDP has installed videoconferencing equipment in 11 different medical institutions: Gudauta Hospital, Republican Hospital, Republican TB Dispensary, Sanitary Epidemiological Service, and seven regional hospitals. ICT equipment is designed to enable healthcare professionals to seek advice from international specialists and participate in online training and consultation on new COVID-19 treatment protocols and other medical issues.
UNDP is currently using the system to deliver online courses designed and delivered by international experts on topics such as hospital management, laboratory testing and diagnosis of COVID-19