Russian Officer Views Abkhaz Conflict (27 April 1993) | FBIS Report

General Gia Karkarashvili (furthest left), Russian General Sergei Shoigu and next to him Georgian General Geno Adamia (Abkhazia 1993).
934K1119B Moscow SEGODNYA in Russian. No 11, 27 April 1993, p.6
FBIS (United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service), Central Eurasia · Issues 62–67 (1993).
It seems that they never run out of arms in the Georgian-Abkhaz war. Yet the transfer of Russian arms to Georgia , for example , was halted by a decision of the parliament of the Russian Federation back in October of last year. Where are they getting their weapons?
- In spite of the decision of the parliament of Russia, the transfer of arms to Georgia ended on 4 April 1993 in keeping with the agreements of the Tashkent meeting on 15 May 1992. As of today the following have been transferred to Georgia: from the 10th Motorized Infantry Division - 108 tanks, 111 BMP's (infantry combat vehicles], 19 BTR -80 (armored personnel car riers, 48 MTOB (small light armored transporter), eight BM-21 (Grad ) installations, 90 guns from various sys tems, 20 mortars, 18 PTUR combat vehicles, more than 200 “Strela - 2” PZRK (portable antiaircraft missile system), 13 ZSU23-4 ("Shilka"), 18 ZU23-2, and 12,000 automatic rifles; a division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned over eight tanks, six infantry combat vehicles, 18 armored personnel carriers, 12 BTRM, and 2,000 rifles. Russia also gave them an air defense system, including surface -to -air missile complexes of the Krug and Kub types. Georgia bought 800 units of automatic weapons from Romania.
The full report in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (531 KB)
See also:
+ Tengiz Kitovani: "they [Russians] officially gave us the 108 tans of the Akhaltsikhe Division"
+ The Blockade of Abkhazia
+ Stanislav Lakoba: "If Yeltsin had been opposed, the war in Abkhazia would not have started"
+ 'Absence of Will': A commentary
+ Georgian-Abkhaz War | FBIS Reports (Aug-Oct. 1992)
Vladislav Ardzinba: "Russia helps us a lot. Because Russia gives weapons to the Georgians and we take them away from the Georgians, they become ours." See video:
FBIS 211 - (1995) Minister [Vardiko Nadibaidze] on Army Development, Cooperation With Russia.
Nadibaidze, Russian Envoy Discuss Military Cooperation
FBIS-USR-93-032 12 March 1993 ("Nezavisimaya Gazeta" 19 Feb. 1993 page 3).
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Ossetia Protests Arms Transfer to Georgia
Sigua Confirms Transfer