The remains of six people buried in the Park of Glory have been identified

During the 1992-93 War the Abkhazians lost 4% of their population
SUKHUM -- Another six soldiers of the Abkhazian army, deemed missing for 20 years, have been identified. All were interred in the Park of Glory in Sukhum. Among the identified are:
Ivan I. Adik, who was born in the village of Otkhara (Gudauta District) on 20 September 1956. He was posthumously awarded the medal "For Courage".
Temur T. Atsukhba, who was born on 24 December 1972 in Sukhum. He was awarded the medal "For Courage" posthumously.
Ruslan V. Nemaltsev, who was born on 9 March 1974 in the village of Kaldakhwara (Gudauta District), awarded posthumously the “Order of Leon”.
Nugzar K. Arshba, who was born 24 January 1966 in the village of Mykw (Ochachmra District). He was posthumously awarded the “Order of Leon”.
Boris T. Inapshba, who was born on 9 Ma 1950 in the village of Chlou (Ochamchira District). Posthumously he was awarded the “Order of Leon”.
Adgur S. Shamba, who was born on 18 April 1965 in Gudauta, and who was awarded posthumously the “Order of Leon”.
All of them were killed in the March 1993 attack for the liberation of Sukhum.
We recall that, in accordance with agreements between the Government of Abkhazia and the ICRC mission in July 2013 and with the participation of international experts, the exhumation was carried out of fighters who died in the Great Patriotic War of the Abkhaz 1992-1993 and who were buried in Sukhum’s Park of Glory in order to establish their identity.
Today, relatives of the victims were invited to the Cabinet of Ministers, where they were provided with materials of the identification-examination held under the auspices of the ICRC in Zagreb.
Currently, the remains of the identified soldiers are in a laboratory in Sukhum.
Acting Prime Minister Vladimir Delba expressed heartfelt condolences to the victims and said that, as before, the state will help with the reburial and facilitate all military honours for the war-heroes.
The meeting with the relatives was also attended by: Chairman of the Movement "Mothers for Peace and Social Justice" Guli Kichba, Acting Deputy-Prime Minister Beslan Butba, Acting Health Minister Zurab Marshan, Head of the Republican Forensic-Medicine Bureau Gennadi Bobua, Acting Head of the Administration of Sukhum Alias Labakhua, and representatives of the commission to locate missing persons.
The representatives of the government listened to all the wishes of the parents, and they set the date for the re-interment.
On Saturday, in Sukhum in the Park of Glory, at 12.00 will begin the farewell-ceremony and reburial of the identified soldiers.
At the wish of his father, the remains of Boris Inapshba will be consigned to the earth in his native village of Chlou.