An Abkhazian Prince on the Russian Throne? By Stanislav Lakoba

  • History
Prince Georgii D. Shervashidze (Chachba)

Stanislav Lakoba | Special to Abkhaz World

The venerable Abkhazian princely family Shervashidze (Chachba) is renowned for having produced many famous personalities. The genealogy of the Shervashidze family is discussed in considerable detail in the fourth volume of the book “Noble Families of the Russian Empire”
(Moscow, 1998).

Read more …An Abkhazian Prince on the Russian Throne? By Stanislav Lakoba

21 May 1864: From Dmitri Kipiani to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov

  • History
Russo - Caucasus War

Excerpt from Stanislav Lakoba's ''Двуглавый орел и традиционная Абхазия'' (Double-headed eagle, traditional Abkhazia)

In the suppression of the last pockets of resistance in the Caucasus, Georgian militia, loyal servants of the autocratic state, played a significant role. Together with the Russian troops, they took part in the victory parade at Krasnaya Polyana on 21 May 1864. And on 9 June, as a crowd gathered, Tiflis Marshal of the Nobility, Dmitri Kipiani, greeted the Governor of the Caucasus, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov, with the words:

Read more …21 May 1864: From Dmitri Kipiani to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov



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