What’s Yours Is Mine: Nation-Building and Extraterritorial Nationhood Inside the South Caucasus, by Krista A. Goff

  • History

Nested Nationalism Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Caucasus

by Krista A. Goff | Cornell University Press
Krista Goff is a historian of Soviet and post-Soviet history, with a particular interest in the North and South Caucasus.

Chapter 2: Territory, War, and Nation-Building in the South Caucasus (pp.61-105)

What’s Yours Is Mine: Nation-Building and Extraterritorial Nationhood Inside the South Caucasus  (pp.81-93)

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Abkhazia and The Caucasian War: 1810-1864, by George Anchabadze

  • History

George Anchabadze (Achba) 
Professor of history at the Ilia State University, Georgia.

The Caucasian War is the longest-running military conflict in Russian history. One of its features is the absence of generally accepted chronological boundaries. Moreover, if almost all historians recognize 1864 as the final date of this conflict, then there is a wide range of opinions regarding the initial date - 1722, 1763, 1785, 1801, 1817, 1830 and other years. Each of these dates has its own more or less justifiable motives, but the most reasonable is the opinion of historians who attribute the beginning of the great confrontation in the North Caucasus to the era of the Russian Empress Catherine II (1762-1796), when the active advance of the Russian troops and administration began here.

Read more …Abkhazia and The Caucasian War: 1810-1864, by George Anchabadze

A speech from the representative of Abkhazia Tumanov at a meeting of the Union Council (Parliament), Mountain Republic

  • History
Delegates of the Second Congress of the Union of the Mountaineers of the North Caucasus and Dagestan. (1917).


21 January 1919


I am happy on this great historic day for us the mountaineers of the Caucasus. I am a member of the government of your related-by-blood, fraternal Abkhazian people, and offer greetings on behalf of the entire Abkhazian people to the members of the Union Council, as the supreme body uniting the ravaged and oppressed mountain-peoples of the North Caucasus.

Read more …A speech from the representative of Abkhazia Tumanov at a meeting of the Union Council...

The Spread of Christianity in the Eastern Black Sea Littoral (Written and Archaeological Sources), by L. G. Khrushkova

  • History
Tsandripsh: The church in Abazgia, built under Justinian I.

Journal: Ancient West & East Volume: 6  Date: 2007 Pages: 177-219

This article presents a brief summary of the literary and archaeological evidence for the spread and consolidation of Christianity in the eastern Black Sea littoral during the early Christian era (4th-7th centuries AD). Colchis is one of the regions of the late antique world for which the archaeological evidence of Christianisation is greater and more varied than the literary. Developments during the past decade in the field of early Christian archaeology now enable this process to be described in considerably greater detail.

Read more …The Spread of Christianity in the Eastern Black Sea Littoral (Written and Archaeological Sources),...



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