The Spread of Christianity in the Eastern Black Sea Littoral (Written and Archaeological Sources), by L. G. Khrushkova

Tsandripsh: The church in Abazgia, built under Justinian I.
Journal: Ancient West & East Volume: 6 Date: 2007 Pages: 177-219
This article presents a brief summary of the literary and archaeological evidence for the spread and consolidation of Christianity in the eastern Black Sea littoral during the early Christian era (4th-7th centuries AD). Colchis is one of the regions of the late antique world for which the archaeological evidence of Christianisation is greater and more varied than the literary. Developments during the past decade in the field of early Christian archaeology now enable this process to be described in considerably greater detail.
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See also:
+ Strabo and Procopius: Classical Geography for a Christian Empire, by Michael Maas
+ From the History of Byzantino-Apsilian Relations in the Eastern Black Sea Basin (V-VIII. Centuries)
+ Byzantine culture influences on the people of North, by Michel Kazanski
+ Byzantinochazarika, by George Huxley
+ Tsibilium: la nécropole apsile de Tsibilium (VIIe av. J.-C.-VIIIe ap.J.-C). (Abkhazie, Caucase).. Les fouilles de 1977-1986, Volume 1 - Youri Voronov