August Martin: An Estonian as a Member of Abkhazia’s Parliament, by Aivar Jürgenson

  • History
Georgian troops in Sukhum, the capital of Abkhazia.

Aivar Jürgenson | Tuna 3 / 2017

This article examines the Estonian August Martin’s activity in Abkhazian domestic politics, including his time as a member of parliament in 1919–1921. This period was important in Abkhazia’s domestic political developments. Abkhazia’s national independence, which had been lost in 1864, was restored in 1918. The highest authority in Abkhazia starting in November of 1917 was the Abkhazian People’s Council — the first Abkhazian parliament in history.

Read more …August Martin: An Estonian as a Member of Abkhazia’s Parliament, by Aivar Jürgenson

Unity in the name of freedom: for the anniversary of the 1989 Lykhny appeal

  • History
1989 Lykhny declaration, Abkhazia

On March 18, 1989, the historic Lykhny gathering took place in Abkhazia, where an appeal was made on behalf of more than 30 thousand people in favor of independence of Abkhazia with the restoration of the status of the Federal Republic.

Said Bargandzhia |

One of the most important events that preceded the recognition of the sovereignty of Abkhazia by a number of states will forever remain in the history of the Republic as an example of the unity of the Abkhaz people, for whom the main goal was and remains to live in an independent country under a peaceful sky. This historic event, which occurred in March 1989 is the Lykhny gathering.

Read more …Unity in the name of freedom: for the anniversary of the 1989 Lykhny appeal

“Meeting of Circassian Princes in the Valley of the Sochi River, 1840-1841”, Prince Gregory Gagarin.

  • History

Original title: Cotes de la Mer Noire. Reunion de princes tcherkesses. [Le Caucase pittoresque dessine d'apres nature par le prince Gregoire Gagarine, 1848]

This drawing was done in Sochi in 1841 and reflects the actual events of this year. In the centre stands an elderly prince in a white cherkesska. This is the Abkhazian prince Arslanbey Gechba, an outstanding political figure and influential representative of the Gechba princes, who owned the seaside part of Sochi. 

Read more …“Meeting of Circassian Princes in the Valley of the Sochi River, 1840-1841”, Prince Gregory Gagarin.



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