Transformation of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict: rethinking the paradigm, by Natella Akaba and Iraklii Khintba

Transformation of the Georgian–Abkhaz conflict: Rethinking the paradigm (Abkhaz perspective).
A parallel research project for Conciliation Resources in which two Georgian and two Abkhaz academics examine the causes of the Georgian Abkhaz conflict, chart the progress and failures of the peace process until 2008, and offer some new perspectives on the prospects for peace following the 2008 Georgian-Russian war and the subsequent recognition of Abkhazia by Russia. Natella Akaba and Iraklii Khintba offer the Abkhaz perspective.
1. Introduction: Relevance, theoretical and practical value of the study
Natella Akaba
2. Perceptions of the nature, underlying causes and consequences of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict before August 2008
Natella Akaba
3. An overview of the parties’ positions
Natella Akaba
4. Main stages in the negotiation process (1993-2008): evolution of approaches and analysis of results
Iraklii Khintba
5. The change in the context of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict after August 2008
Iraklii Khintba
6. After August: conflict resolution or conflict transformation?
Natella Akaba and Iraklii Khintba
The full text in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (312 KB)
Source: Conciliation Resources